
MacPro, Intel, Dual...
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MacPro, Intel, Dualcores & Final Cut Pro

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I have a few questions:

What is with the new MacPros? I've only heard of the laptop form of these (will there be a desktop macpro?) I hear they can run the Mac Operating system AND Windows XP Professional. Is this true? This is important for me because as a film student, I am currently all PC, however, I would love to learn FinalCut and other Mac Programs, but can't afford to fully switch over to Mac as I have invested a ton of money in windows based programs.

What exactly does dual core mean? Does this mean a computer with a dual core can run windows and the mac os?

I read somewhere on this forum that Final Cut Pro would work with intel core systems. Does this mean it will work on windows? Will Final Cut Pro ever work on windows?

I know this is a lot to ask but anything you can contribute would help. I'm planning to get a new computer in a couple years before I head out to LA for an internship through my school so anything would help!

Thanks, guys!

Posted : 25/04/2006 12:40 am
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

The "MacPro" as some ppl would call is a non-exisistant Macintosh Tower, they are not meant to be released until august.
As far as laptops go, there is a laptop that was announced in feb. named the "MacBook Pro".
Any version of the MacBook Pro has a processor inside it named "Core Duo".

The best way to explain this is think of a car engine as a computer if the car engine is pull all the workload, it will eventually start to slow down, technically if you have a second engine, they both colour distribute tasks between eachother...
This is exactly what "Core Duo" processors do, they technically have 2 processors in one, and they can share tasks to do rather than just putting all the work on one processor.
You cannot run OS X and WinXP at the same time tho.

Final Cut does now work with Intel processors that boot up in OS X.
I dont believe that Apple will ever put Final Cut on windows..or at least until i see a pig fly...

Overall, Intel Macs are a great way to start doing some video editing. You are given the choice of booting in WinXP or OS X, are you are also given the opportunity to use one of the more powerful editing suites around.
If you were to switch to a mac, you wil never regret it!

Visualization is the art of seeing things invisible.

Visualization is the art of seeing things invisible.

Posted : 26/04/2006 3:23 pm
Posts: 2951
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Very informative reply Artofilm!

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Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 26/04/2006 4:24 pm
Posts: 5
Active Member

I believe you actually have to get or upgrade to the Universal version of Final Cut Studio, which came out in March.

Final Cut Pro 5 users can upgrade for $99. 1, 2 or 3 versions can upgrade for $699.

Press release/article on it here:

Posted : 26/04/2006 9:29 pm
Posts: 364
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So, on a MacPro computer, I can use Windows XP AND OSX (obviously not at the same time, but I'm able to choose which one I want to start my computer ip with and change back and forth with just a matter of restarting it and picking A or B?)

And I can use Mac software on OSX and pc software on WinXP?

Posted : 27/04/2006 1:01 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member


Originally posted by airwalk331

So, on a MacPro computer, I can use Windows XP AND OSX (obviously not at the same time

I wouldn't bet on that. Currently there is a version of a windows emulator that allows you to run both at the same time. There is also WINE which allows windows programs to run on OSX (imperfectly). Cringley is currently predicting Apple will add the Windos APIs to their systems to allow proper full-speed running of Windows programs (without Windows) directly in OSX. The computer world may be turned on its head a few years from now.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 27/04/2006 9:19 pm
Posts: 364
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No, I'm pretty sure on the Macbook Pros when you turn on your computer you can choose to run windows xp operating system (not an emulator, the actual os) or Mac's OSX (not an emulator, the actual os).

You're talking about VirtualPC- that;s just a program to emulate a PC and further allows you to install other PC software, but it's a HUGE performance eater.

The new Macbook Pro actuall has both operating systems on the computer.

Posted : 30/04/2006 12:45 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

The new Mac Book pro is able to have both operating systems but it does not ship with both. You have to load Bootstrap and Windows. Bootstrap, the software that allows the dual booting is in Beta and there have been issues, it will be bundled into the next version of OSX when they decide it is ready. There is also word that Vista the new version of Windows will make dual booting very complicated so there is no guarantee that Macs will be able to dual boot wtih Vista.

I mentioned Virtual PC because it was mentioned that "Obviosly not at the same time" but that is not obvious, especially in the future.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 30/04/2006 6:13 am