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John Carpenter's "The Thing" Style Title...

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Hello, fellow film worms!

I'm a new guy here looking for some help. I'm helping a friend of mine with a horror/slasher short film he's aspiring to make. And I want to have that "burning title effect" a la John Carpenter's "The Thing".

The effect can be viewed at 1:43 of this video - ?url? claims....
To create the effect of the title, an animation cell with "The Thing" written on it was placed behind a fish tank filled with smoke that was covered with a plastic garbage bag. The garbage bag was ignited, creating the effect of the title burning onto the screen.

Has anyone tried this before? Does the garbage bag cover the whole fishtank? Or just the top rim?

Any helpful replies are appreciated!


Posted : 17/09/2007 8:56 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Never tryed this before.

I think I might try that for one of my films.

With the info from I'd imgine it goes like this:

- Get a fish tank.
- Get something black and cut the title out of it
- With that cover the inside of the fish tank (inside because if it's outside it might catch fire from the garbadge bag).
- Put a garbadge bag one the back (enough to cover the title).
- Get some blue lights and light the back.
- Fill the fish tank with smoke.

For those little flashy effects you could use something as simple as a bright flash light that makes white not yellow light.

Posted : 19/09/2007 12:54 am