I'd like to edit a section of my movie frame-by-frame to make sure things look right. I know how to export the shots into a series of frames but don't know how to import them so they return as video rather than still shots. Sort of stop-motion-animation but not in the camera.
I'm using Final Cut Pro but have accesss to Motion and Shake. Anyone know if any of these programs can handle what I'm trying to do?
San Diego, CA
Seems that Apple's Motion 2 allows for the import and export of Image-sequences which is what I want. Hopefully it will allow the import of Image-sequences and the export in a different format. I don't see how they could not but I'll trust it when I do it.
It amazes me that Final Cut Pro only allows for the export of Image-sequences. They need to fix that, in my humble opinion, as the manipulation of the frames in Photoshop is the poor man's SFX.
San Diego, CA
It's actually quite easy to put image sequences into Final Cut, I do it all the time:
1) Under "user preferences," go to the "editing" tab. Set "still/freeze duration" to 1 frame
2) import the image sequence into the bin
3) select all the images in the sequence and drag them as a group to the timeline.
there you go
Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my vodcast on iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=96931870
and my blog at http://www.exgfilms.com
Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my blog at http://www.exgfilms.com
and my reel at http://portfolio.exgfilms.com
That worked perfectly. Thank you very much.
San Diego, CA