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DVD compatability?

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I just filmed a movie and I printed some trailers on DVD-R discs and a bunch of my friends are having trouble watching the DVDs on the their DVD players or computers. Does anyone know why this might be?

I know there are DVD-R and DVD+R discs, aside from stamping them, is there a way to make sure the DVDs will play on everyone's player?

Thanks for any advice or input,


Healthy Food Defines You

Healthy Food Defines You

Posted : 22/11/2005 6:17 am
Posts: 11
Eminent Member
Topic starter

This seems to be the most confusing part. I printed about 50 DVD trailers for a film on DVD-R discs. I figured they'd work for everyone but nearly 40% of the people I gave the discs to couldn't play it on their DVD players or computers, so it worries and confuses me.

Anyone know much about this? I'd just like to get the DVD to play on anyone's or everyone's systems, but I'm running into a few hurdles.

Thanks for any advice,


Healthy Food Defines You

Healthy Food Defines You

Posted : 22/11/2005 11:58 pm
Posts: 50
Trusted Member

basically something went wrong, you're gonna have to try to figure out what went wrong.

Did you use a DVD authoring program?

Try checking this:
Is it the correct DVD format, does the burned dvd have two folders (Video_TS and Audio_TS)

Posted : 23/11/2005 5:40 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

I had this problem long ago, I don't know if I had the same problem you're experiencing but with me it basically came down to older DVD players were not set up to read DVD-R without a firmware upgrade. Pretty much every DVD player for the last 5 years should be able to read DVD-R now though.

I still have one Sony that won't. It was cheaper to buy a second DVD player than try to handle the firmware upgrade.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 23/11/2005 3:04 pm
Posts: 109
Estimable Member

I've been strugling with this problem myself. All mine come out in video CD format. I found that you can get them to play by selecting to play them on windows media player. maybe that will help you out a little.

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try."

"Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try." - Yoda

Posted : 24/12/2005 10:39 pm
Posts: 14
Active Member

welll its no one fault.... just time and how updated your friend is! as most dvd player are now plus whih can handle both types of dvd formatt. how ever a plus player can handle most. most cheap dvds players struggle to play any! i found this research out and have lots of types of dvd players! so when burning i do 50 in plus and 50 in normal. with times changing, it be all plus soon!?:)?

Posted : 29/12/2005 2:15 pm