Hi there,
am thinking of getting a Macintosh to use solely for editing. A Mac Pro is prohibitively too expensive for me. Therefore, an iMac is my only option. Can anyone tell me does this have enough juice to edit DVCPRO HD or HDV footage?
I've been editing HDV on a low-end MacBook for two months now and I haven't had any problems, so I'm sure an iMac can handle it. DVCPRO is a tougher call because it'll place more demand on your system resources, but I would think that you'll be fine as long as you get plenty of RAM.
Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my vodcast on iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=96931870
and my blog at http://www.exgfilms.com
Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
Check out my blog at http://www.exgfilms.com
and my reel at http://portfolio.exgfilms.com