I recorded on-location sound with a DAT recorder which I then returned to the rental house. What is the most efficient (loses least quality) way to import the DAT audio from my tapes into an FCP project on a G5. Do I need to have them transferred to another format?
Last time I recorded audio on a DAT I ended up copying it to DV and capturing by Firewire. My DAT doesn't have a digital output, and when I captured analog through my sound card I found that the sound card didn't record at quite the correct speed: I was using the DAT to tape sound from the mixing desk at a play I videoed for a friend, and over the course of an hour and a half the recorded audio on the PC got a few seconds out.
Since it was a PC problem and not a DAT problem, I plugged the DAT into my camcorder, recorded the audio to tape, and the Firewire-captured audio synced up pretty well. It would also mean that you'd have a timecoded master tape that you could use in the future if you had to recreate the edit from scratch.