I'm starting a movie, it's in the future in a desert. So i'll need a sapceship/aircraft that looks futuristic, i was wondering if you guys who know how to use blender can tell me how to get the texture/color look right. Or better if you can send me a .bend file with a spaceship or any shape with the color/texture set in so i can look at it.
i! Anything would be great !i
Here is one link on how to texture a space ship.
You might also post on the blender artists forum for more information on this subject.
"I am the very strongest. You guys are not very strong."
ahhh... good.?:D?
Go to SciFi 3D. They have TONS of free 3D scifi models. For blender, get an .lwo file. They work the best in Blender in my experience.