I am pretty much a newbie when it comes to all of this. I am basically looking for a video editing software for PC that is able to do hollywood style effects like chromakey, rotoscoping, titles, credits, as well cut video and audio. I've tried Premiere and found it extremely confusing. Power Director and windows movie maker lacked in options. If anyone can point me in the right direction to a decent easy to use software with those attributes it would be greatly appreciated
I highly recommend using a cheaper editing program that gets the job done and then investing in Adobe After Effects. It has the easiest rotoscoping system I have seen and it has chromakeying as well. Vegas Movie Studio combined with after effects is a great system. Then, after you have done this, go to www.ryan-w.com and watch his video tutorial of how to make a lightsaber using after effects. After watching that, you will be able to use after effects to make anything you can think of.
I use AVID Xpress Pro and Adobe After Effects.
I just started using after effects. Check out some of my sample effects using it at www.theperfectvideo.net
Matthew Sconce
Matthew Sconce
The FAQ has an answer to this question.
Ben C.
(Incorporating the Internet Filmmaker's FAQ)
Please note the opinions expressed here are those of the author only and do not constitute legal advice. The author cannot accept and liability whatsoever for inaccurate or outdated information contained within.
Benjamin Craig
Editor-in-Chief, filmmaking.net
Is vegas video a pretty easy tool to understand?
Yes and very fun as well!
Matthew Sconce
Matthew Sconce