
any way to turn peo...
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any way to turn people into water?.....

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I'm trying to make a simulated person out of water.

I'm just doing tests right now: so I shot live-action people on a "green screen," and then I tried to Stencil (cut-out) them in After Effects, and then use a plug-in my friend had called "Psunami" (a water simulator for oceans and other bodies of flat water) to fill in the bodies. And it worked! But it looks like it sounds.... stenciled people shapes moving over a larger picture of moving water. The water isn't moving because of the people's movements, it's moving on it's own, completely seperate. not good.

Is there a way, like through Lightwave or After Effects, to film live-action people and then "transform" them into water people?... essentially. I'm hoping to get a look of water spray and waves that are coordinated with the dancing the people will be doing.

Any thoughts?... please shoot them my way. thanks.

---- logan

Posted : 29/08/2007 6:18 pm
Posts: 157
Estimable Member

Wellll, you could get your actors, paint them green (haha) put them in the water and get them to walk out. Then clone the water footage onto them...

I think you want the kind of effect like on the second terminator, with the liquid guy, who morphs out of pools of silvery liquid? Obviously there's a way to do it, they did it way back then... I have no idea how to tho. Sorry 🙁

There's daggers in men's smiles

There's daggers in men's smiles

Posted : 29/08/2007 6:55 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

To be honest I would think you would need some 3d graphics program to create the water person. That's what they did in the Abyss.

For example in the latest version of poser you can map a photo onto a poser face and sort of make the figure look like someone. I imagine it's not overly difficult to map water ontop of the entire 3d body in a more advanced program.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 29/08/2007 8:49 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

Like rjschwarz said CGI is the best way to go.

It would take lots of time making it, mabey 5 minitues. It take would at least take you half an hour to get the color right and the another hour to get it move right. So it's really not that hard of a process.

If you have no experience in 3D programs it's best to get a CGI artist. There are many people who would do it for free.


Posted : 30/08/2007 2:53 pm
Posts: 16
Active Member

3d is the way to go.
doing it in a 2d app like after effects won't give you satisfactory results... as you unfortunately saw....

...and if you want it to look believable not to mention realistic it takes more, way way way more than half an hour.(rendering time not included)

first you need a model.
if you want your actor to turn into or from the watery person the body has to match the features of your actor. so you have to model the body instead of getting a premade one.
if the waterperson has to move you need to rig the 3d body and animate it either by hand or motion capture
to create a believable watersurface you need a good shader/surface properties/plugin.
lighting and rendering is the final step and aftwerwards you should colourcorrect the 3d stuff to match your footage and to give it a more natural look.

software like lightwave, maya,softimage,max or cinema4d are some you might try.
check if blender works for you....

as it was said already if you have no 3d experience get someone who does.

Posted : 14/01/2008 4:49 pm
Posts: 179
Estimable Member

IF you have the actor turning into water your not gonna see that much detail of the body because the water is always moving, so it dosent have to be that high detailed. If you knw your waya around a simple software like MakeHuman it would take you no more than 30 min.

"Imperfection equals Realism"

Posted : 15/01/2008 12:15 am