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Achieving the "TV Video Look"

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Im in the process of creating three spoof movies. The first one is the biggest, its a serious spoof of Law & Order called "Law & Order: Small Town Crime". My biggest fear is that i wont be able to achieve the "TV Look" like they do in the show

That is a link of a still from the show. I know that with the camera im going to be getting (Canon Zr500 or Panasonic Gs19) it is limited, but im sure there are some post production things you can do in Premiere and After Effects that can make the film look more like its TV counterpart. Thanks in advance.


Posted : 26/04/2006 11:43 pm
Posts: 235
Estimable Member

I'm not quite sure what you're asking here...

If you mean you want to make your spoof look like the real Law & Order, that's a pretty tall order for a low-end camera. I believe the Law & Orders are all shot on film (they may actually be high-def video now, I'm not sure). One thing I notice about them is that they often use sunlight as a primary light source and stick with a narrow depth-of-field, so I'd use as much natural light as possible and throw the background out of focus a bit by staying zoomed in.

Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
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Andrew Gingerich
Exploding Goldfish Films
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Posted : 01/05/2006 9:07 pm