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Get your short film made from script to DVD. (UK)

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Brushy Creek Films are offering a full production package that includes shooting a HDV film from your script and guarantees to get it distributed on and subsequently listed on imdb.

The full package includes

Pre-Production: Script Editing, Production Scheduling, Cast and Crew hired, locations sourced, Web pages created to keep everyone informed with progress.

Production: Full Cast & Crew, to be shot on two Sony Z1s in HDV, Sound recorded separately on Edirol R-44, Basic Lighting package, All equipment such as booms, mics, reflectors, etc. Director to be Gary Delaney unless you the client would like to be Director and have Gary as your first AD. All tapes & SD Cards included, Transport, Catering, and Accommodation if required.

Edited on Sony Vegas Pro, DVD created, Artwork for Disc and cover created, film listed for sale on, film listed on imdb.

We do not offer our services to every script that we receive. Each script will be read and we will decide if we wish to proceed with turning it into a film.

The script must be no longer that 15 pages formatted to industry standard and submitted to us as .pdf.
We do not film Pornography or films that include sex or nudity.
We do not film films that can be seen as being racist or offend religious groups.
Films that require Special Effects, Period Costume, Stunts, etc will be evaluated to see if we can incorporate into the set budget.

Total Cost for the above package is 2500 + V.A.T. For the price of a HDV Camera we offer you the full package to get your film made to a high standard and distributed

We also offer this package to Actors/Actresses who would like to take the lead role in a film. We have many scripts available. Great opportunity for Actors to be the lead in their own film.

Any questions please contact Gary Delaney at brushycreekfilms? or visit

Brushy Creek Films

Posted : 20/05/2010 8:11 am