Are you getting your little brother with Fruityloops to do your soundtracks? Settling on cheesy techno, generic drones, low quality samples, or worse: copyrighted music?
I can give you professional quality, real music of practically any genre:
Check out:
for samples.
Professional Soundtracks at low rates, starting at $100.00 per film! Catering to budget's high and low!
Referral discounts!
Works fast! (one to three nights depending on length and scope desired)
Guitars! (electric or acoustic)
I prefer not to use loops (unless absolutely necessary), so what you get will always be genuine and high quality!
Specializes in Retro, progressive, low fi, ambient, art rock, funk, giallo, psychedelic, rock, folk, hip hop, techno, indie, pop, punk, imitation and country.
Willing to get the job done fast and collaborate with filmmakers to get the exact vibe you're looking for!
I have an ear for music and production, so don't waste another minute! Contact me! simon_belmont?