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wtf is wrong with me... film making

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Hello, my name is Adam and I'm a wannabe film maker. I'm 16 and I've been really interested in film making since I was 14. Haven't really done much since then because I thought of it as one of those un-realistic dreams. I know that it takes many years to become better at this, but I think I would make a very good director. I have some ideas floating around in my head, but hey ideas aren't really worth much. So as of two weeks ago I started taking this dream seriously. I'm a creative person overall, and things must be done the way I see them in my head.

I find my self daydreaming about making movies, and every night when I sleep I dream about fantasy movies that come alive in my head. When I'm at home or in school and I close my eyes, I see scenes that I have randomly created in such detail that it's almost unbelieveable.

I read somewhere that the greatest directors picked up a camera when they were young and made films with their friends. I have never done that, so does it mean I lack something? If I could I would have made films, but sadly I didn't have a camera.

One thing about me is that I'm highly critical. If I were to direct a film I'd want everything to be done right with 0 mistakes. In this article I was reading it said if I fit all the things I just mentioned about my self, that I'd make a good director.
I read a lot of articles on this subject, but many of them didn't answer the questions I have.

So I have a ton of questions but it's much for me to write down. I'll ask a few.

As a director do I have to learn how to do vfx? Do I have to be a great artist? Must I be the one who designs the outfits for the characters? When I talk about designing the clothes I mean for a fantasy film, not regular day films. Must I be the one who thinks of all the camera angles? I watched a 30 minute video about How the amazing spider man was created, and I was really confued because of all the tricks they were using to make the film. Does that mean anything, or do I have to be taught the tricks used in film making?

Posted : 03/07/2012 8:07 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

I'm going to be harsh. So if you can't take harsh but respectful
then please don't read this.


Originally posted by Xceptions
I read somewhere that the greatest directors picked up a camera when they were young and made films with their friends. I have never done that, so does it mean I lack something?

Yes. That means you lack something. Your post here is filled
with excellent reasons why you CAN'T make movies - what you
lack is the drive to MAKE movies. You dream, you think, you hope
but you stop short when it come to the difficult part - finding
the way to make a movie.

Wannabe directors make movies with their cell phone camera
if that's all they have available. They make movies with Dad's
crappy home movie camera. Someone in your extended family
or friends must have a crappy little camcorder. Do you know
anyone with an iTouch or iPhone?


Originally posted by Xceptions
One thing about me is that I'm highly critical. If I were to direct a film I'd want everything to be done right with 0 mistakes.

This is the perfect example of an excuse to not make a movie.
So far in your life you have never done anything with zero mistakes.
Why you hope you will make zero mistakes making a movie is just
a foolish excuse. Too harsh? Prove me wrong. Make a movie.


Originally posted by XceptionsIn this article I was reading it said if I fit all the things I just mentioned about my self, that I'd make a good director.

I think expecting you will make zero mistakes will make you a very
bad director. All directors make mistakes. All humans make mistakes.
A director who is thinking they don't want to make any mistakes is
a director who will never learn.


Originally posted by Xceptions
So I have a ton of questions but it's much for me to write down. I'll ask a few.

As a director do I have to learn how to do vfx?

No. At first you will make movies that do not need vfx. When you get
better and learn more about making movies and prove you can do it
you will attract other people to help you. The director "directs" the
VFX artists.


Originally posted by Xceptions
Do I have to be a great artist? Must I be the one who designs the
outfits for the characters? When I talk about designing the clothes
I mean for a fantasy film, not regular day films.

No. The costumer designer does that at your direction. The most
important aspect of being a director is inspiring other people to
work with you. the very best directors surround themselves with
the very best people.

I know, you can't do that right away. But you CAN make movies
right away. Spend two years making movies that you CAN make
and before you are 18 you will have experience and knowledge.
Other creative people respond to that better than they respond
to a dreamer who has never make a movie.


Originally posted by XceptionsMust I be the one who thinks of all the camera angles?

No. The person who does that is the Director of Photography.


Originally posted by Xceptions I watched a 30 minute video about How the amazing spider man was created, and I was really confued because of all the tricks they were using to make the film. Does that mean anything, or do I have to be taught the tricks used in film making?

Yes. It means you need to start small and learn how making a
movie works. All those tricks were not done by one person who
dreams about making movies - those tricks were done by many
people who spent years learning by doing. They made a lot of
mistakes before they found the tricks that works.

Adam, you have wasted two years with your unrealistic dreams.
When I was 14 I found an old camera in a box at the back of a
closet. The one my Dad used to make stupid family movies. It
was a crappy camera. But I picked it up and started making
movies. The first ten were terrible - I mean truly terrible and I
do mean ten. Ten movies ranging from two minutes to fifteen
minutes - each one terrible. But each one a little better than the
one before it. You know why? Because I was learning. I got better
because I made mistakes. I wouldn't have gotten better if I had
thought I should make zero mistakes.

Then when I was 16 (your age) I made this:

Not a great film by any stretch of the imagination. But because
I had been making movies for two years and people knew I was
serious I got a girl who was in college to be the DP and a friend
of hers (also in college) to do the audio. Another 16 year old did
the music and my best friend (also 16) made the one little special
effect you see in the movie.

Okay, you have told us all the reasons you can't make a short film.
I want you to come up with three reasons why you CAN make a movie.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/07/2012 4:50 pm