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Which Lens

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okay I've decided after much deliberation and advice from these forums (aswell as making a fool of myself several times) to purchase the JVC GY700WE. Now the book I'm reading (Practical DV Filmmaking) doesn't say much about lenses. I checked the Creativevideo website and I've spotted a 2/3inch lens called Fujinon A20x8.6mm - will this work with the JVC?

However, should I worry about whether a lens is wide-angled or "telephoto"? Not that I really know the difference but the book mentions that a wideangled lens has a greater range of focus.



serious about nothin' 'cept film

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Bernardo! Bernardo.
You're damn right...

Posted : 12/11/2003 2:16 am
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I can suggest a great way to show you lens differences. Take a cheap 35mm SLR camera (no auto-focus) out with a short lens (50mm +/-) a long lens (100mm +/-) and a wide-angle lens (20mm +/-). It's best if they are fixed lens not zoom. You can still use a zoom given that you use only the top and bottom end of it's range. With a tripod walk around both indoors and out, taking 3 pictures from each setup (one for each lens). It is very important that all 3 shots are taken from the exact same spot, elevation, angle, etc. This will give you a very clear understanding of lens differences. For instance a short lens gives you better depth of field than a long lens. A long lens can work really well outdoors allowing the camera to be further from the subject/s and also providing a softer focus on the foreground and background.

Once you have a good feel for this you'll be better able to plan out and visualize your shots. As well as get the correct lens.


Posted : 12/11/2003 7:09 am
Posts: 50
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Thanks for this. Not too sure where I'm gonna get the lenses but I know an amateur photographer who might help me setup such an experiment. I'll definitely try this out.

Thanks again.


serious about nothin' 'cept film

What's my name?
Bernardo! Bernardo.
You're damn right...

Posted : 04/12/2003 12:58 am