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what is film?

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its been said that Dialouge SHOULD compliment the visual and that all silent era movies (charlie chaplin, the pink panther cartoon..etc...)were the greatest movies of all time
Do you agree?
do you think that film (as an ART) is really about the visual thats complimented by the dialouge..?
or is it the otherway round? that film is a story (with big themes, metaphors..etc) thats complimented by the visual(symbols, cinematography..etc)? ---and if so, can you REALLY make a HOLLYWOOD HIT with a great story line but without these great visual... ( im thinking ugly actors, not so fantasy like sets.. ofcorse using adequate light but not fancy lighting...) i know some of you will tell me to go watch phonebooth (but you have one great location with a great looking it doesnt quite cut it)
im talking about making stories just as real as they are menat to be...the everyday life, we all dont live in great apartments or wear a size 8. im looking for a modest looking cast, in not so great places but A WONDERFUL storyline you can fall in love with over and over..
so my question again...
A)film is an art of visual beauty
B)film is an art of storyline
i know they both compliment each other but tell me what you think, which one outweighs the other??

metaphysics ... time and space

metaphysics ... time and space

Posted : 03/09/2005 10:50 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Watch the movie clerks. Many consider it a wonderful movie but the visuals are distinctly lacking. Basically most of it is a 2-shot of two clerks talking. The dialogue carries the entire film. Dialogue also plays a huge part in Woody Allen movies and he seems to get by.

Compare those to the Star Wars series where the dialogue was wooden but the visuals were spectacular. Also see the work of Michael Bay.

The numbers speak for themselves. Personally I think each person has a style they like and they're probably fools trying to shoe-horn into something else because it makes more money or because a book says this and that.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 03/09/2005 4:33 pm
Posts: 19
Active Member

Check-out a film called "Dogville". Nicole Kiddman has the lead, however in this film her acting carries her screen-time and not her looks. If these are the sorts of questions you are asking yourself you should try to get your hands on alot more of the international and independent films. It's mostly Hollywood and its imitators who put popularity & looks before talent & craft. Watch "Breaking the Waves", another film directed by Lars Von Trier(Dogville), also "Julien Donkey-Boy", and "Gummo" directed by Harmony Korine. These films and others like them are based on a method similar to which you are speaking.
DOGMA95, is a method of filmmaking established by a collection of international filmmakers who felt very much the way you do.

Check-out the site & manifesto:



Posted : 08/09/2005 3:40 pm