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War of the Worlds

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Some years ago, I heard that another version of "War of the Worlds" was going into production, and I was depressed and excited at the same time. All my life I thought of how great it would be to do a traditional adaptation of this wonderful novel, and I was depressed because someone had obviously beaten me to the punch. But I was excited because I thought that with computer animation--or just plain stop-motion photography--that a better version would make it easier. And by better, or traditional, I mean a version that takes place when the novel was written, which was around 1899(i.e. a period peice). Then I heard Speilberg was doing it. I sighed. Although I like him, I knew he would be doing a modern day version of it. He did. It was okay, but not great. My question(assuming I will have the influence and finances one day to acheive this): Would doing another version--a traditional one--any time in the next ten years be a practical thing to do? Or has the novel had enough translations to the screen? I can't get this idea out of my head, that "War of the Worlds" would be so much better taking place in its native Victorian England. What do you think?



Posted : 15/01/2008 1:05 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

The theme of War of the Worlds was to point out the evils of Imperialism to the Victorian British. Making the story according to the novel would be hammering a theme that is pretty well accepted already by most people. That is why Spielberg updated it, to make modern audiences understand what it must be like in third world nations when unstoppable first world powers come in. It had resonance again.

I would like to see one done strictly according to the novel because I like that kind of thing but I'm not really sure if it would find a market or not. I assume so but I'm only guessing.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 15/01/2008 2:31 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member


Originally posted by rjschwarz
I would like to see one done strictly according to the novel because I like that kind of thing but I'm not really sure if it would find a market or not.

Tim Hines did one, but it was badly made (believed to have had about a $5,000 budget but the effects look like it had a $5 budget) and about 1/3 of the three hour movie consists of people walking around fields near Seattle.

Posted : 15/01/2008 3:53 am