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Video Games in Cinema

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Posts: 15
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being a huge gamer myself, i absolutely hate video game movies. they can never capture the feel of the game and what made it so spectacular. i especially hate it when they change too many things about the characters and enviornments (i'm looking at you, super mario bros.). the best video game movie i have ever seen was Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.

Posted : 09/06/2007 10:46 pm
Posts: 360
Honorable Member


Originally posted by Own3dStudios

you see, i like resident evil the game, and if they wouldve stuck to that story in the masion, it wouldve been creepy as hell. they did ruin resident evil. and dont even get me started on silent hill...

-(Own3d Studios)-

I didntthink that the first Res flm was that bad to be honest, well apart from all the continuity errors (And lets be honest there were far too many of them). I hate the second film, ad as for Silenthill ive never plaed the game but I felt let down having watched it. In my opinion films from games is un inspird filmmaking, and gaesfrom films is just abut pushing the ? that bit further as a shamee marketing gimick. Cleary.

Posted : 10/06/2007 2:32 pm
Posts: 3
Active Member

The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay was a good game. King Kong was a good game. There's been a lot of good Star Wars games (KotOR).

A good game-to-movie translation hasen't happened yet, in my opinion. I'm waiting for Max Payne.

And, on the topic of Resident Evil- Paul W. S. Anderson (and company, to be fair) took a bad (but loved) survival/horror game and turned it into a bad action movie. It's all downhill from there.

One may smile and smile and be a villian.

One may smile and smile and be a villian.

Posted : 16/06/2007 7:48 pm
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