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Video Game Copy rights

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Hello, i'd like in my next movie to shoot two people playing Grand theft auto vice city for a few seconds. If I show them playing does this violate any copyright issues? Thanks for all info


Posted : 11/12/2003 7:11 pm
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

It dosen't in NZ but i dunno about where u r. do you want to show the screen alot or just have them playing a random game in the backround?

Make Love Not War!

Make Love Not War!

Posted : 11/12/2003 8:19 pm
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Well I haven't committed to anything yet but it'll be one of the following options, probably the first:
1. Have the game paused and the tv will be in the background with the paused screen
2. One of the characters will be playing during some dialogue between him and a friend. Attention wont be brought heavily to the game, but it will be obvious which game he is playing.

Thanks for the help, i am in the US.


Posted : 11/12/2003 8:39 pm
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

I doubt that would be a problem especially if its just paused/in the backround but then again im not familiar with us copyright law so you should check with annother sorse.

Make Love Not War!

Make Love Not War!

Posted : 11/12/2003 9:34 pm
Posts: 8
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Hmmm, well does anyone from the US know for certain? The game will just be paused in the background, kind of like having a coke or pepsi in the same scene. It sure seems like there should be no problem.


Posted : 13/12/2003 11:02 pm
Posts: 26
Eminent Member

Those most likely to know for certain are the company themselves.
Can you not contact them and hence get in writing the company response?
After all you could offer to list them in the credits if You're usage of the game is not in away detrimental to the company or game.they might like what You're doing

Posted : 15/12/2003 4:20 pm
Posts: 8
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I think i will end up trying to contact them. I am just trying to avoid that, with it being extra work on an already huge work load : ) Thanks for the suggestion!


Posted : 16/12/2003 12:07 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

I think this would be classed as product placement, which is covered in the FAQ:

Posted : 31/12/2003 8:02 pm
Posts: 80
Trusted Member

When we're making big Hollywood movies, a question you often hear is whether we have clearances on one product or another. When we don't, a lot of time gets spent "greeking out" product names or replacing props with label-less props of similar type. I'm no lawyer, but the people I work for have plenty of them, and if they worry about it, then you should too. Change the name, call it something else, don't show the screen (which will be copywritten, by the way, and is not simply "product placement"). Call it "Big Theft Auto Las Vegas" or some other similar name and get on with making your movie... unless you think you can get clearances from the manufacturer.... then go for it, and while you're at it, get some free games to play when editing bogs down.

"On a good gate, that's a wrap."

Posted : 02/01/2004 1:45 am