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using songs

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is there a way i can use a song in my movie without having to pay royaltee or take care of license? i read somewhere that if you only play a 30 second clip, you dont have to worry about a license...

also, what are the rules on making a cover of the song and putting that into the movie? is there any license/royaltee required from the original artist?

Posted : 11/04/2009 9:53 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Welcome to!

Where did you read that? Do you think it's accurate? Did you confirm it
by checking with the artist or the official copyright page?

I know you know the answers to my questions. If you felt the info you
read was correct you wouldn't ask. I'm just making a point.

The copyright - right to copy - is held by the original artist or the publisher.
You cannot copy any portion of the material without permission. That
includes recording your own version of the song.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 11/04/2009 11:28 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Music has two rights associated with it. The songwriting right and the performance right. You can avoid the performance right by singing your own version of the song but you cannot avoid the songwriting rights. Someone wrote the song and they deserve compensation for it.



Posted : 13/04/2009 10:55 am
Posts: 7
Active Member

The last two answers were very good. But I don't think they answered your first question fully. There's always the option of asking them for permission and hoping they don't ask for money. And if they do; you can ask them nicely if they would mind letting you use it for free. The motto I go by is ''when there's a destination; there's always a path''. If you want something, try and figure out logical ways to get it, even if it seems like a longshot.

If you're making a documentary with heart, they might sympathise with your small budget. But if you're working on a hollywood blockbuster action flick, they probably won't care to help you. However; you can always tickle their interest with some kind of deal. Everyone loves a good deal. Tell them that if they let you use it, you'll pay them triple when the movie makes bank. The fishies might bite. Any idea you have to make something work might work. You can call that Carls Law, haha. Just don't don't go putting stock in Murphy's Law, he's a rube 😛

Posted : 15/04/2009 9:49 pm