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Anyone here a student at USC SChool of Cinema? or has anyone here ever applied to any of their programs? I would be curious to know what types of sample work you sent in with your application as I have read the biggest part of getting in or not, is your sample work.

It is also my understanding that the process is as follows: you apply to USC in general, and then once accepted to USC you can apply for one of school of cinema's majors.

My question is: AFter being accpeted to USC, and applying to the school of cinema, and you fail to earn a spot, will you have already paid for USC admissions, or can you decline your spot at USC and not be responsible to pay them for anything except your application fee? And then hopefully try again the next year.

I was wondering this because with the Univeristy in my city, you take first year univeristy with no major or anything, just a way of deciding what you want to do. Then for your second year you apply to a specific department, arts, sciences, etc. Is this simialr to USC?

Wow, I just read this over and it sounds a litlte confusing to myself even! I will try and clarify it if this dosnt make sense to anyone.

Posted : 28/06/2005 4:16 pm