
The Right Filmmakin...
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The Right Filmmaking Equipment.

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Well most of guys here know be now so I can skip the introduction part. I am saveing my money for the stuff I need to make films. I don't have anything and really want the things to do it. Here is the list of things I am going to buy. I would like to know if that sounds good and not to worry about buying anything until I am older and more experinencd. Or if I need to add anything to the list. I know I need audio equipment but I am not really going to worry about that since my films are not really that huge. Basiclly I know I probably need lighting and audio and probably a bunch of other stuff. I am just trying to go for basic, anyway here it goes.

Sony Mini DV (Forgot model) Reason: Do I need to explain?

250 GB External Hard Drive: I don't want to eat up my computers memory. Also if me and my friend are doing a film together than I can bring my footage to his house.

External DVD Burner Reason: Well one I don't have one on my computer and two so I can put my films on DVD when they are done.

Firewire card, Reason: How else will I edit my footage?

Sony Vegas Video Editing Software Premium Edition, Reason: Well for editing of course.

Yeah I know this is going to be alot, anyway feedback will be appreciated. Is that list good for a beginner like me. Or do I need to add a few more things? Thanks.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 08/01/2006 4:38 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

You need some kind of audio unless you're shooting a silent movie. Audio from the camera will sound terrible. Audio from an external mic plugged into the camera is probably the way to go. Search around this site and you'll find a dozen discussions on good but inexpensive audio equipment.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 08/01/2006 5:48 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member
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Yeah I suppose I do need some audio stuff. Well for the camera I am getting Sony makes accerories for it. They have an external microphone to put on it. If by external you mean on of thoose long mics that hook onto the camera. Something like on the $3,000 HD cameras. Anyway thanks for the advice. After I get all of this will I be good to go?

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 08/01/2006 11:09 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

The mic depends upon what you are going to shoot. You might go almost silent film for some projects (lots of action) or you might need a decent mic if you're project is talky (comedy). Only you can tell. Having a bad mic can be really depressing in post when you find you have to chose between a great take with bad sound and a bad take with great sound.

Lots of independent films compromise when it comes to audio and it shows.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 09/01/2006 4:43 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member
Topic starter

Ok thanks a bunch for the advice. I have alot of saveing to do.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 10/01/2006 2:15 am