
The King is near......
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The King is near....

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Hey Everybody,

My name is Chris Harmon and I am from Louisiana. I am 18 years old and I attend Grambling State University where I am majoring in Mass Communication and Criminal Justice. I am here because my biggest dream is to get out my ideas onto a film, become a famous filmmaker and live the life of all these other rich people. Just watching 50 Cent and Steven Spielberg and George Lucas and Chris Tucker drive big cars, live in big houses, buy whatever they want, really makes me want to do this.

However, I have been through alot of things and have had several dreams and crazy ideas and thoughts. All I do is write stories and I passed them around school. Everyone tells me that they are good and they hope that I get it on the films. I am currently writing 22 stories right now. I got a few connections, but I just don't have access to real good equipment. I got actors, Im writing and I can direct, I got a few people who can draw, everything else is tough.

My plans is to form a group of people to work together as a film company, get an agent and send some films to a big company or send them to some major festivals. I know I can't and I don't want to do it alone. So if any of you are as serious as I am, I think working together, we can do some big things. Many of you have your own goals and plans, but those who don't, please give me a holla. I can supply actors and my writing is based around comedy, drama, horror, and action. All my stories have a very important message somewhere in it. I use what I see and dream to write and it's serious. I need cameras, audio, and all that type of stuff.

But anyways, This is my introduction and I am a very serious person about this business, but a fun guy to talk to and hang with. So man, just holla at me.

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

Posted : 04/12/2005 5:32 pm
Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Man, It sounds like you have the passion for doing this. It is my belief, and I believe many here will agree, that a movie is basically crap if it does not have a good story at its core. That is why I love movies. They tell stories and bring us into different worlds for a while at least. So it sounds like you have the most important part of the movies already....maybe 22 of them! I am all the way over here in California, but I hope everything works out for you. If you ever have any questions, let me know. I have been doing Wedding Videography for a while now and am finally able to start doing what I have wanted to do from the start, which is to make and direct movies....we'll see how they do 🙂

Matthew Sconce

Matthew Sconce

Posted : 06/12/2005 4:52 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Two options I see. (1) Change majors and become a film student. You will then get access to all of the film school equipment, if there is a film school at your university. (2) Continue with the legal degree so you can earn the money you'll need because making movies can be expensive.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 06/12/2005 3:04 pm
Posts: 14
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I like to make sure that I have a real good story to tell about, cause if it aint interesting, it dont matter how good the camera shots are. I don't want to have people snoring. I say camera shots are only good when you want to elaborate a specific part in a movie to make it good for the movie. Other than that, its all about the story first.

And I did want to get a Film degree, but the closest to that at my school is Mass Communications. I plan to get the Mass Comm and Criminal Justice degree, with a possible minor in Theatre, and then try to get a location out there in Los Angelos to attend Graduate school for FILM then.

I just really want to get these films out and so far, my best concept is to get a group of guys who can do different parts, together form a company and film the low budget films first to the best of its abillity and send it to Film festivals. Once I start rolling in money for it, I will make the higher budget scripts into movies and be on from there.

Thanks both of you guys for your comments. And I will be getting with you on that offer msconce on some help.

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

Posted : 06/12/2005 8:37 pm
Posts: 27
Eminent Member

not to be rude, but it kind of sounds like you arent really into film for the right reasons. you say you want to do it for the money so you can drive a big car like 50 cent. it's going to take a lot more than a desire for money to become a successful filmmaker. i think you need to re-organize your priorities.

This film cost $31 million. With that kind of money I could have invaded some country.
? Clint Eastwood

Posted : 29/12/2005 8:42 pm
Posts: 14
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MMy proroites are straight. I know what I need to do and what I must do. I have that all planned, but after sucess is what I was refering to. What kind of life I want to live.

I know what you are saying, but trust me, I know what I meant. Thanks tho.

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

The best writer alive...after Spielberg and Lucas retire...

Posted : 29/12/2005 8:53 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Hi well I am from Louisiana also although I am only 14 so I can't really help you out. I do hope everything works out for you though. I also have my dream to become a filmmaker. Right now I am writeing a screenplay for a thriller that me and my friend will shoot. It's nothing big just our own little movie. But I don't care as long as the story I am writeing comes out good and I can thrill at least one person then I will be happy. No offense but I don't care about the money. I mean I want to succed but to me it's makeing the film. I can't think of any other thing I would want to do except wake up every morning and go out to make a film. Best thing in the world to do. Anyway I hope everything goes well. Let us know how it goes. Good Night and Good Luck ?:D?

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 30/12/2005 2:31 am
Posts: 6
Active Member

Charmon1328 is quite frank about his ambition. I don't think many people will declare on the first day of work that they want to make it bigger than Spielberg and Lucas combined together.

Success is different for many people. If you think making big money out of film is your personal success, go on. To me success is when my very-distant-future-film gets enjoyed by many people.

Good luck. I hope you make it big and your movie will be watched in the same scale as Lucas's or Spielberg's movies.

I hate Maths.

I hate Maths.

Posted : 30/12/2005 7:04 am