
The Career Connecti...
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The Career Connection

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There was a post a while back about the "film connection" program/group asking if anyone knew about it had experiance with it. i posted that i did have experiance and that it was VERY BAD. I got a lot of emails about it, so it looks like I (hopefully) saved some people a lot of trouble. i've decided to post again about it and try and go into more detail.

The Promise:
The Career Connection's (i'll call it the CC)basic promise is that they will connect you with a professional in the industry and it will be a one on one aprenticeship. well that sounds f-ing terrific in it self. they also garuntee seven years of partnership so that if you move, get layed off/lose your job, need assistance with anything they'll be there to connect you anywhere you are.

The Real Deal:
The reality of the matter is, The CC makes promises they cant keep. I dont care how much business they've done with any market, a business in LA cant/wont know what is really going on in the film/video world of your home town. the aprenticship is a non personal internship, nothing more (which can be easily obtained with out CC with some determination). after my internship for 6 months at a production studio, i called The CC (a dozen times before getting a call back, they have their phones to go straight to voice mail. you dont call them, THEY call you) and they said "look through the yellow pages and send your resume". I never heard from them again, except when i callled over and over asking what was going on. they simply said no one was hiring. I knew this was'nt true because i had obtained another internship on my own and was hearing about who was getting hired where. I'm about to move to san francisco to help a friend finish his feature, think i'll give the CC a call again and see if they'll do anything (just for good measure).

The Bottom Line:
Anything The CC could do for you, you can do your self with out spending SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. if you buy a book called "(your state's name) Association of Film/Tape Professionals" it lists anyone and everyone in your city (or city close to you) in the biz. Go to all those places and get an internship at one of them. tell them you want to learn how to make tape dubs, grip, or get coffee. Buy a 3 chip camera and final cut pro/avid express for your computer (that's where your 7 grand should go).

If anyone has any further questions i can answer them on aol or yahoo at: Jarvis817

There are three sides to every story. My side, your side, and the truth. And no one is lying. Memories shared serve each one differently.
-Robert Evans

Posted : 10/10/2003 9:01 pm