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Teen wants to start filmaking?

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Hey guys! Well as it says I am a freshman looking to start filming. I always dreamed of making videos and becoming an editor/director and become part of the youtube top dogs, but I just don't know how to get there. I have a tripod, JVC GRDA30U camcorder, and Final Cut Express. I do some things on the side like filming random things like me skateboarding but I want to start to do shorts. How would I get my friends to help? It would be kind of weird to just ask them, "Hey do you wanna do a movie?" And my parents are kind of iffy on the idea of a youtube channel. I really like writing scripts and planning things out but would that seem weird to make a script to a short movie? Thanks for reading this guys!

Posted : 28/02/2010 6:30 pm
Posts: 37
Trusted Member

Wow, You remind me of myself when I was a freshmen In high school. The first videos I made were skate videos of me and friends. Skate videos are what got me into making shorts to begin with and then turned into full blown film making.

Getting your friends to help you is actually what you said would be weird. "Hey do you want to make a movie" really is all you have to ask. They're your friends so they'll want to help you out.

Also, it would benifit you much more to write out a script for your shorts, or anything you do. It's part of the process and end the end will make your work much more professional.

Posted : 28/02/2010 7:02 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member


Originally posted by ComicStix
How would I get my friends to help? It would be kind of weird to just ask them, "Hey do you wanna do a movie?"

Why would it be weird? That's the only way I know
of to get people involved - ask them.


And my parents are kind of iffy on the idea of a youtube channel.

Parents can be over protective. Show them you're
serious by writing a scrip, asking your friends to be
in the movie, getting permission to use locations
and working out a schedule. They might be more
willing when they see you working hard at it.


I really like writing scripts and planning things out but would that seem weird to make a script to a short movie?

Why would it seem weird? That's what we all do. We
make a scripts into a short movie. You can do it too.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 28/02/2010 9:00 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

I remember the first few videos I made (after my first hilariously terrible elementary school video) were of me and my friend basically taking all of the stuff that was influencing us at the time and formed it into a movie for fun. So basically it was a lightsaber fight.

Yup, what you're talking about isn't weird at all. Grab some friends (or even just one!) and go have fun with the camera for awhile.

If you want to write a script beforehand, go for it. If you don't know the format, who cares. Write what you think you should write. What YOU would need for reference while filming.

Just do it man. It's the only way to start. You already have the equipment, nothing's holding you back.


Posted : 28/02/2010 11:34 pm
Posts: 587
Honorable Member

As said, just go do it.

One year when I was in college, I ran into this group of people who dress up like Medieval soldiers and such (reinactors) and I thought it would be cool to make a short movie with them in it.

So I sat down at the kitchen table and wrote out a very rudimentary "chase" script. "Evil knight captures princess and Good Knight chases to get her back... they sword fight, good guy wins and carries the Princess away." Pretty basic.

I happened to be in Cincinnati when I wrote it and there just happens to be a "castle" down there. I took my Super 8 (yes, FILM!) camera over and got some shots of it to cut in later.

Then, I headed back to school and asked the "actors" if they'd like to be in a movie. They were VERY excited about it so we set a weekend day to go to the local woods to shoot. I didn't need much help, but asked a couple of friends and off we went.

Once it was cut, I asked another friend, who was a musician, if he'd write and record a score, which was only about four minutes or so. He was excited to do it.

Later on, a group of us decided to make a feature length film (shot on Super 8 FILM). The response was overwhelming for those in our little town who wanted to audition for parts. And we had more than enough volunteers to help behind the scenes.

The moral of the story is that once you have a definite project to do (a script and a plan to accomplish it...and hopefully a plan on what PRECISELY you'll do with it after it's done), people AND money tends to come to you. It sounds strange if you haven't done it before, but it is true. There are enthusiastic "filmmakers" out who are just looking for something to do and if YOU provide the opportunity, they'll pop out of the woodwork to help. 🙂

Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC

Brian Dzyak
IATSE Local 600, SOC

Posted : 28/02/2010 11:37 pm