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SONY fx-1

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I am buying my camera next week and a lot of people recommended the sony HDR-FX1. So I was decided... then I saw this....

"Although the camcorder does not include a 24P function, Sony is not totally ignoring those in the independent filmmaking community who want a "film look" out of their camcorder. The HDR-FX1 includes a Cinematone Gamma feature which, according to Sony, creates a professional-looking film-like feel for the video by improving skin tone capabilites and better 3-D depth of field. "

and this....

"Adobe has also stated that they will be releasing an HDV plug-in for their popular Premiere editing system later this year"

How will this impact on me? does it mean that my film will look shit or that I wont be able to capture into adobe premiere pro until later in the year???? ?xx(?

I will be making short films and documentaries mostly for promo but also for local broadcast..

please help, b4 I make an expensive mistake!!!

many thanx jx

Posted : 18/07/2005 10:00 pm
Posts: 37
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OH yeah

what about the sony Z1??? I've seen it for ?2699, only just out of my price range... might squeeze it if it is worth it!!!!

Posted : 18/07/2005 10:09 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Where can you get a Z1 for 2699? The reputable dealers I know of are charging more like 3500 (including tax).

Certainly it's a great camera, but the FX1 gives a similar image at a lower price: the Z1 just has more bells and whistles. So if you don't need XLR inputs, NTSC recording, extra image adjustments and the other odds and ends the Z1 gives you, the FX1 will be almost as good.

As for editing, I know there are plugins for Premiere Pro for editing HDV at the moment, but you might have to pay extra for them. Avid should be releasing their support in a month or two as well, and I've been using Liquid Edition to edit HDV until then.

BTW, here's a still frame from an FX1: someone posted it to another site and I resized it to the correct 16:9 aspect ratio and stuck it on the web:

It's worth noting that the BBC are apparently dumping their PD170s and replacing them with Z1s for low-end broadcast work... and they should have a good idea of what they're doing :).

Posted : 18/07/2005 10:29 pm
Posts: 37
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Hi mark

Yeah there's someone in your toolshed Z1e ?2699... 20 in stock!! thats a far bit less than 3500! might give it a shout..

thanx for your reply.. I dont mind paying for the plug in so long as it is currently available. Also, I had my heart set on XLR inputs... I trained as an audio engineer originally and well, I like em.. ?:)?

that still looks impressive


Posted : 18/07/2005 10:42 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

I hadn't noticed that ad... that's about 3200 including VAT, so not so far off the prices quoted elsewhere. Just make sure it's a UK model so you get a warranty, and you get all the accessories like battery, charger, leads, and all that stuff.

Incidentally, even if you don't get the plugin for the moment, if you shoot in standard definition it's still a very good DV camera with a true 16:9 CCD. But if you shoot HDV and then downconvert in post to uncompressed SD it should be pretty close to Digibeta footage (similar color resolution but slightly less contrast range).

Edit: incidentally, note that the battery which comes with the camera isn't very powerful, so you will probably need to get a second battery. The one that comes with it lasts about an hour, the NP970 lasts about six hours.

Posted : 18/07/2005 11:26 pm
Posts: 37
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Thanx for the advice Mark, I wouldn't have thought about UK for waranty... Feel in a better place to purchase ?:)? jx

Posted : 19/07/2005 2:55 pm