
Some effects and su...
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Some effects and such...

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Does anyone have a link or know of a place where you can create inventive effects literally using your imagination? I have a pretty good mind when it comes to this, and have done some pretty good stuff before this being at such a young age (email if you want to see some footage).

I just wanted some links to just see what other people have come up with and see if I an incorporate any of it into my new film.




Posted : 14/01/2004 12:43 am
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

Not sure this is exactly what your looking for but it might do the trick. The product is called AlamDV, more information can be found here Enjoy.

Posted : 15/01/2004 5:54 pm
Posts: 75
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It looks nice, but I was talking more about like, actual effects you can do with blood or whatever. Just some neat fighting effects, as if a braveheart type film (Im 14, what could be more fun :)).

Thanks for the link!



Posted : 17/01/2004 5:33 am
Posts: 3
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See for some brilliant stunt and efx work... Look for the stunt demo. I know you wont be able to use his stuff but this dude taught himself martial arts by playing video games.. He is a monster and a primo stunt guy I would put in the Jackie Chan catagory with a touch of Highlander...

Posted : 27/01/2004 1:29 am
Posts: 75
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Wow. That's crazy. He did that by video games?! That's unreal...

Thanks for the link!



Posted : 27/01/2004 3:46 pm
Posts: 40
Eminent Member

I'm sorry I missed what you were looking for. In a feeble attempt to redeem myself I did some quick searching and came up with a few links below that will interest you (I hope).

I also suggest checking out a book on stage or theatrical combat/fighting. Most, if not all, of the techniques can be directly applied to film.

There are also many books and online resources for special effects makeup. Here is a chance to spend some quality time w/ mom (learning makeup) and get some real neat-o effects for little cash. One word of caution, I still carry two reminders from my first adventure into this arena. One from a bad squib burn, the other from a stray dog who thought my oatmeal scar was tasty.


Posted : 03/02/2004 10:52 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

Another good source (when you think it's time for a break from the books) for inventive SFX is to listen to Robert Rodriguez's commentary on pretty much any of his DVD's. Lots of creative stuff in there. ?:D?

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Posted : 08/02/2004 5:21 am
Posts: 75
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Thanks for all the links, guys. It really helps!



Posted : 12/02/2004 2:54 am