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Please! I Need Some Help - List of Questions

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Ok I want to start off by saying I am kind of new at this whole scene. I have had a huge interest in the film making industry for a while now though. I have writen a screen play already but have come to find out that I would enjoy directing a film more than writing one. My first question however is this. I would like to do a film on WWII. I would write a screenplay myself but I would rather have help on it. Is there a good site to go to to look for some help? My second question is this. I am a poor college student, I am sure alot of you know how that is. Funding for a project can cost quite a bit. Is there any grants or what not that I could get? is there any sites that will help me out alot? My third question is are there any quality websites out there that will help me out with learning about this industry?
That is it for now though, I will update if I come across anymore questions. Thanks ahead for the help, It is muchly appreciated.

Posted : 01/03/2004 6:38 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

To be honest, there are plenty of good writers out there itching for a screen credit: if you don't want to write it yourself you might want to get your basic story worked out and then hunt for a good writer to turn that into a script in return for a credit and a deferred fee.

As for budget, oddly enough, if it's a character-driven story rather than one that requires big battles then WWII may be a subject that you can do quite cheaply: a few uniforms, a few guns, some squibs, some countryside to shoot in may be all you need if you have a good story to go with it. One of the cleverest short ideas I've seen in the last few years was set during the Gulf War, which just required a few guys in army uniforms and what I presume was a beach used to stand in for the desert: shame the actual movie sucked though.

Posted : 01/03/2004 1:17 pm