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Im planning on entering Ne york film academy but first I will like to know if anyone Knows something about this school . Either bad or good

Posted : 14/08/2004 6:41 am
Posts: 61
Estimable Member

Yea i went to there open house not to long ago. It seems pretty good. I mean it or relies on how long you are going there for. I think its a waste of money if you only or going for the week program. All you learn in the first week is how to load and hold the cam. You shoot one short about 2mins long. Its one scene with no cam movment.

If you not going for the year then its not worth it at lest to me. In the year program you at the end will leave with a Short Directed and Cut by you. And you will have a reel from work you did on yours and others projects.

In the year class you learn alittle of everything from ScreenWriteing to learn how to be a DP to Directing and just about everything in between.

I hope this helped

Posted : 03/09/2004 4:03 pm
Posts: 61
Estimable Member

O just incase i had someother Info for you. I also went to the open house at the Digital Film Academy. I have to see i was really impressed. Its not a formal as NFA But i think you get to work alot closer with the film makers there.

Upsides of DFA:
In there one year program you learn all about digital film and how to use there equipment. By the time you go on your fisrt shoot. You would have already set up and worked with lights and sound/Filming equipment at lest 20 times so you will know what you are doing.

They help form Pre-Post Prodruction. When going in to post you edit with Avid or final cut and you will know how to you use them both before you start to cut.

They have alot of connections with festivles at lest thats what they told me. And i got a chance to look at there talent bios. In NYFA you use there actors/Students. In DFA they use current talent that work for free to get there names out there.


You only work with Digital no film.
It coast more then NYFA
The work area is alot smaller.

The one thing that he told me that i though was really cool. Where in the NYFA you have dead lines to get your project done ( like you only get 4-3 hour sitings to edit) If you can't complet your film in that time. He says he would leave the key with you and you can come in a crash there. And cut all night. I don't know about that but its just what he told me.

Ok well i hope i helped

Posted : 03/09/2004 4:14 pm