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I'm worried! Can't think of an idea for Doc 🙁

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I've got 4 weeks to film a 10minute documentary and edit it together. I'm good with editing so that shouldn't really be a problem. Is it possible?

My last program was coming along nicely, but my main interviewee guy has just flown to another country for a few weeks so finishing this is going to be a nightmare.

I therefor need to quickly get started on a new doc. Can anyone give me any hints or tips on how to quickly get an idea? Remember, it needs to be about 10mins long and do-able in 4weeks... Is that almost impossible?

I'm really worried that i won't get this finished in time... Anyone who can help me with ideas would be MUCH appreciated.

Thanks ?:(?

Posted : 01/06/2006 12:07 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Who do you know who has an interesting story to tell? For example, if you know someone who fought in WWII and has some good stories, you could interview them and intercut with some of the public domain footage available on the web.

Posted : 01/06/2006 1:50 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

You are in the UK so contact a group of WAR OF THE ROSES reenactors. See if they'll let you put on a suit of armour. Film the process and the nitpicky details required. Perhaps why this bit does this and that. See if they'll let you swing a weapon around in the armour to show its more mobile than most people think.

Add narration ontop of the footage to make it funny, assuming you aren't cracking jokes as you don the armour.

Intercut with footage of some WAR of the ROSES Reenactors and chop out the duller parts since donning the armour might actually take ten minutes.

Call it PLATE 101
(101 being the standard number used for the first year class in American Colleges such as English 101, or Bio 101). If you have a number like that in the UK substitute that number instead. Then if it goes over well you can pick another type of armour another day and do the same thing.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 01/06/2006 6:56 pm
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

That's a good idea :).

Posted : 01/06/2006 8:47 pm
Posts: 107
Estimable Member

How about a documentary on the process of making a documentary.

--QD Jones

--QD Jones

Posted : 01/06/2006 9:03 pm
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Thanks, its a documentary I'd like to see and one I think might be somewhat popular if posted on the web. I also think reeanctors are not only knowledgable but probably likely to be very helpful to show off that knowledge and the equipment they've gathered.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 02/06/2006 3:12 am