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i HATE the word "newbie"

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Howdy everyone.. My name is Jeffrey Lewis. I am 13 years old, and live on a small Island off the coast of Maine. Since I was nine, and I made my first claymation in art class, I have been in love with filmmaking. When I was ten, I got a video camera for Christmas, and made some whacky story-less cartoons (clay).
For the past four monthes or so, I have had the soundtrack to a new film constantly. Yeah, how many people base a film around music? Anyway, lately I have been really noticing stuff in films and in lighting all around me. ( My dad is a semi-pro photographer and I learned all the basics of still black&white and color photography). If you have not ditched this post yet, I salute you! So, I kind of started writing a screenplay, but i'm bad at it. Only half a page( incorrect format too!).

This morning( Christmas) , I found a mini DV JVC camcorder under the tree! I know, built in mics, small lense, and 1CCD are all undesirable, but I have what I have. It's a MUCH better camera than my old '92 Panasonic. So, I plan to film on that( in classic film mode), and simultaniously record with an Audiotechnica mic into either MiniDisk, or Adobe Audition on a laptop. ( My dad and I are making a CD, so we have a bunch of audio equipment). I can't write any more, so don't think that this is all you'll hear from me!


Mandolin player by night, bike racer and filmmaker by day!

Posted : 26/12/2005 1:22 am
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

I have no problem with the word "newbie." At some point we are all new to this business.

Welcome to!

Remember, it isn't the equipment, it's how you use it. The most important aspect of any movie is the story and the characters. If you make a movie with an interesting story and characters people can relate to you are WAY above most movies I see made by filmmakers under 20.

Light it well and pay as close attention to the sound as you do the picture and you'll make good, watchable movies with that JVC.

In answer to your question, "how many people base a film around music?" I would say most. Anyway, most of the people I know.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 26/12/2005 7:00 am
Posts: 1214
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I wish I'd had a DV camera when I was thirteen :). Good luck with it, sounds like you have some good plans already.

Posted : 26/12/2005 6:20 pm
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Thanks for the support or whatever. It's not that I hate the position of being new to something, or being ignorant in a subject, but the actual word, "newbie". It sounds like some kind of jelly bean cross bread with a plush baby toy. Back to writing the script!

Mandolin player by night, bike racer and filmmaker by day!

Mandolin player by night, bike racer and filmmaker by day!

Posted : 27/12/2005 12:08 am
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Hello and welcome here. I am 14 and I have loved films ever since I could remeber. Although I didn't get into filmmaking until I was around 11. I have made several short films and even some clay animations. I am saveing money for a Sony Mini DV because I don't have a camera yet. My friend is the one with the camera. I am like you I am writeing my first screenplay. Although mine will be a bit longer lol. Anyway thought I would introduce myself to you since we are both young and sorta new to this. Have you considered checking out the book Digital Filmmaking for Teens? It looks really good and comes with a DVD! I am picking it up Friday then going see Steven Speilbergs Munich which I am suprised my mom is letting me see it. Anyway enough about my life. What is your logo if you do one that you put at the beginging of you films? Ours is Blue Light Productions. Anyway thought I'd ask you that. I am just excited to meet someone my age with a love for filmmaking. Well besides m friend.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 29/12/2005 9:31 pm
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jawaking1138: My total unofficial, most likely to get sued if the folks in Hollywood found out, productions company name is,

Lewisfilms Ltd. Hope George Lucas don't mind much.

Along with my camera, I got a book called " Filmmaking for Teens; Pulling off your Shorts".

AWESOME BOOK! Just came out, written by Troy Lanier and Clay Nichols. Check it out.

When I said half a page, I meant that thats all I had so far. I hope to write about six pages.
Good luck with your exploits, talk to you later.

Mandolin player by night, bike racer and filmmaker by day!

Mandolin player by night, bike racer and filmmaker by day!

Posted : 30/12/2005 3:14 am
Posts: 6
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Wow some people are just fortunate...a DV camcorder at 13! I'm very sad to say though I wish to be a film-maker, I have not evertouch a video camera before. My school has a small Film & Video Society and I wished I had joined it. I could have gained some precious experience...I would feel like an idiot if I enroll in the film school to discover I'm the only one who don't know anything about cameras, lightning or sound...:(

I hate Maths.

I hate Maths.

Posted : 30/12/2005 6:45 am
Posts: 21
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Newgrass how long have you been playing mandolin? If it makes you feel any better, I am a newbie mandolin player (2 years, on and off) lol.
About your script, do you have final draft? It is excellent for screenwriting as it formats automatically and it also stores character names and locations.

God uses a Mac.
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Posted : 01/01/2006 9:13 pm
Posts: 22
Eminent Member

Ha funny company name newgrass! Sorry I misunderstood what you said. By the way I use Celtix to write my scripts. It is free. I found the link from this site. It is a really great program I am haveing so much fun writeing my screenplay. With a gift card I got for Christmas I got Peter Jacksons King Kong Production Diaries. I am waiting for it in the mail and can't wait to get it. Anyway good luck on your screenplay.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Film: Imagintaion becomes reality.

Posted : 02/01/2006 12:54 am