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I don't know how I'm going to break this...

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I'm 16 years old and I've been working on a documentary film where I film myself from now, recovering from a massive the end of highschool where i plan to train hard and become one of the better runners in HS history. Any way...blah,blah,blah haha...beyond that, I'm also using this doc to find some things out about myself...things i havent been able to get myself to articulate. I finally have a lot of those things edited and there....and I feel I have something very special and amazing....something that could leave a mark on a lot of people who watch it....but I'm sort of worried about anyone seeing it because these are things I have told nobody....some are bad experiences I've gone through and I'm worried about exploiting some of the things that happened to me. However I also know that if I want to be a serious filmmaker, I'm going to have to confront myself first...I dont know what to's really an amazing piece right now...haha it made some people in my art class cry...but I just want some suggestions on actually going out there and letting a lot of people see it.

A tool for improving the human condition...

We must all surpass eachother.
Draw me after you, let us run.

Posted : 20/10/2005 1:32 am
Posts: 216
Estimable Member

if you're going to do a piece about yourself, you have to risk putting yourself out there for all to see, including the bad and embarassing...

Posted : 20/10/2005 1:57 am
Posts: 138
Estimable Member

How come you were able to show it to your art class, but you are too scared to show it to other people?

Posted : 24/10/2005 2:44 pm