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How to start a production company??

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Hello everyone,

I, along with 2 friends have decided to start a production company here in the Philadelphia, PA area. Mind you, we have no idea as to HOW to do this. Here is the skinny about us:

* All of us are females over 30.
* One is getting her masters, the other 2 have no undergrad degrees.
* All of us are struggling financially.
* We all live in different areas of Philly.
* We have some treatments in the making and other story ideas for film/tv.
* We'd like to direct our own features including music videos.
* Our focus is producing, directing, scriptwriting, copywriting, commercial production, straight to video productions, etc.

For those of you reading all of this, please help me with ideas on where to start. Our entertainment experience is as production assistants, actor, student directing, etc.

WHERE DO WE BEGIN???? HOW DO WE GET OUR BUSINESS OFF THE GROUND?? Funding is a huge issue, as well as, working fulltime at other jobs or dedicating ourselves to the business. ANY suggestions/advice will be appreciated.


She who laughs last, LAUGHS LAST!!

She who laughs last, LAUGHS LAST!!

Posted : 29/10/2003 7:21 pm
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

Start off working from your homes/ a web page, after everything is set up distrubute buisness cards/ fliers to all the talent agencies/film stores/anything else film related and hope for the best.
Have a really good and profesional looking web page and make sure thats on the things you send to the film people, hopefully smoe people will decide to get you to do stuff for you. Also make some films/docos yourself and send them to distrobution companies so that when the commisions start to roll in you will have a distrobution system set up in advance this also has the added bonus of raising mony and awareness of your company.

Make Love Not War!

Make Love Not War!

Posted : 30/10/2003 3:30 am
Posts: 278
Member Admin

I'd also recommend just making short films to bolster your skills too. Nothing longer the 10-15 mins, but probably ideally around 5-10 mins. Shorts that length can be shot in a weekend or two and edited in a week. You need to build up a portfolio of your work to show to people before you will have any chance of raising finance to try something more ambitious like a feature or a commissioned music video.

Ben C.

(Incorporating the Internet Filmmaker's FAQ)

Please note the opinions expressed here are those of the author only and do not constitute legal advice. The author cannot accept and liability whatsoever for inaccurate or outdated information contained within.

Benjamin Craig

Posted : 31/10/2003 1:00 am