
How do the big scre...
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How do the big screen movies get that dark effect.

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Posts: 8
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this has probably been asked over and over but how do the big budget movies get that darker looking effect than say my lil dv cam cane porduce and what is the software needed to produce that effect. Within my price range that is.



Posted : 17/09/2003 4:25 pm
Posts: 146
Estimable Member

err... turn the expousure down.

Make Love Not War!

Make Love Not War!

Posted : 17/09/2003 10:22 pm
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Check under post production... on the 3 page for "how to get a profeesional look"

Life is the art of making movies without editing

Life is the art of making movies without editing

Posted : 18/09/2003 2:47 am
Posts: 5
Active Member

To be quite honest it's because it's shot on film not digital - the colour contrast is so much more defined; not to mention it's not pixellated.

To get the best effect when using DV make sure you have great lighting... this will help make the blacks more black and bring out all the colour / contrast there is out of your picture. So long as the image you want to see is bright you get make everything else darker in post.

In post you can colour correct, adjust contrast, deinterlace and, perhaps, add a bit of gausian blur to make it look more filmy. But lighting is the key.

Posted : 20/09/2003 10:41 am