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Has Anyone Else Got a Strange Email?

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I'm sorry this post doesn't really have anything to do with filmmaking but has anyone else received a strange, and rather long, email from a member called 'fatima00', who has currently said nothing on the boards and just joined today. I'm just curious as it seems like a con to me.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 04/09/2006 6:46 pm
Posts: 238
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Hello. I return from the dead.

And that email is what brings me back around for some more chucks.

Yes, to answer your question I did as well, something about an international database and finding me here. And something like setting up a bank account for roughly 10.5 million dollars.

My guess is that if it is real it is either from drugs, blood, or both. Its pretty damn sketchy.
I found it funny that someone refered to me as "godfearing" rofl
What a pun

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

Posted : 05/09/2006 2:12 am
Posts: 208
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Yes, I felt quite exalted when I first received the email from a member of who owned a lot of money and possibly wanted me to help him/her make a film in Africa. Then I noticed it actually had nothing to do with filmmaking. Anyone else get this email?

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 05/09/2006 9:26 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

Though, oddly enough, I did once meet someone who was hired to work on a movie in Africa purely as a means of getting money out of the country.

I forget the details, but from what I remember some French guy had made a lot of money there and the government wouldn't let him transfer it to France, so he hired a foreign production company to come in and make a movie (with the full co-operation of the government who were excited about having a movie made in their country) and he paid them a lot of money to do so. Of course, purely by coincidence, the production company was owned by the same French guy...

Posted : 05/09/2006 11:25 am
Posts: 61
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I received an email from some one in Nigeria a couple of years ago on secondary email account I was using. This person wanted me to open a bank account and let them have access to the account numbers.

I was not foolish enough to fall for it. It appears this scam is one of the biggest on the internet in the States.

The con these people are doing now is to look in the lost pets' section of various websites. They contact the owner of the missing pet. Ask them to identify little fido and then get the owner to send money to ship little fido back. People have fallen for this one as well. They send the money but no pet.

There are several others, I strung one alledged scammer for a couple of months just playing with them. I know it was mean on my part but what they were trying to do was much, much worse.

Learn how to do something new everyday!

Posted : 07/09/2006 9:54 pm
Posts: 238
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Wait a minute...I'm confused. If its an empty account who the hell cares who you give the numbers to. You'd have to be insane to actually put your own money into such an account.

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

Posted : 08/09/2006 2:15 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member


If its an empty account who the hell cares who you give the numbers to. You'd have to be insane to actually put your own money into such an account.

No, but it's a handy way to launder money from your scams. Have the scammee send the money to some idiot's account, then transfer it to your account, and let the idiot take the blame when the cops turn up.

Usually, though, those people just demand more and more 'fees' from the scammee to pay the costs of setting up 'legal agreements' or whatever, until they've milked the scammee for tens of thousands of dollars. Since they're in Nigeria or some other country that doesn't much care about local people scamming rich Westerners, there's little they can do to get the money back.

Another one is to offer to buy something from you and send a cheque for more money than you asked for, then ask you to refund the difference. By the time you find out that their cheque is a fake, your laptop (or whatever) is in the mail to Nigeria and you've wired them the 'excess' money.

But as they say, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Posted : 08/09/2006 11:28 am
Posts: 238
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Ahha! The waters muddy!

Thats pretty damn smart. I wonder if any Nigerians would fall for it.

"Hello, I am an american with 10.5 million dollars who needs to get this out of my country! Could you...."

I'll have to try that. Does anyone know any Nigerians? Any takers?


BTW ? I know one of you lost your puppy, guess what? I FOUND IT!!! Just send me a check for a cool mil and your dog will promptly be returned, but until then, he will be held hostage and if you wait long enough some retarded animal rights person will pay me 2 million just to let the thing go.

Hurry, hurry! Get it while its cheap!

I bow to you all.

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

Posted : 08/09/2006 10:55 pm
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Lol, I once invented a con back in the days when I played RuneScape. Believe me, to make the game interesting you have to con other players. Basically I found usernames which were obviously the first name and surname of the player, "John Smith" for example, and said 'Guess who'. After 3 guesses to who I am I say that I am actually the last guess he made and that I started this game recently. Basically, then you milk a few gold coins to "get you started" with the game and then transfer it to a new account.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 09/09/2006 5:42 pm
Posts: 238
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Nice. I am more of a fan of cheating hardcore players of Diablo II for more money/inventory/etc.

Fun stuff it is. people get pretty pissy.

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

That's it! You people have stood in my way long enough! I'm going to clown college!

Posted : 14/09/2006 12:37 am
Posts: 46
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Lol. I just got one of those emails. Do people seriously fall for these? I reported the email as a phising scam to google.

Posted : 27/09/2006 5:08 am
Posts: 211
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I have just recieved one of those e-mails as well. It looked very fake, I don't know anyone who would really seriously fall for it. It is pretty annoying, though, clearing your inbox of just those unwanted e-mails.

When the script writing is done, the work has just begun. When the filming is done, the work has just begun. When post-production is done, the work has just begun. When the distribution is done, you decide if the work is done.

Matthew Wesley Miller

Posted : 28/09/2006 11:18 pm
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Yeah, I sort of wish I had played along with it for fun.

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

You can't keep 'em out, they're already in!

Posted : 29/09/2006 6:41 pm
Posts: 42
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I've got a lot of these emails on different accounts. Some have different situations but they all try to get you to do the same thing. They all end up with you having to do business with someone in Nigeria. Even if they're talking about France, Spain, or the Irish lottery. Somehow they always link you to Nigeria. I've even had them speak with me directly. I once tried to sale my old computer on ebay. I got an email from a "buyer" who wanted to pay with a money order. I agreed and he sent me two money orders in an envelope with no return address. I was only asking three hundred for the computer but both money orders were for $820. The idea was for me to cash them, take my three hundred, and send the rest back with the computer.

(such trusting souls they are)

Anyway, the money orders were fake and they were only tring to see if they could be cashed. I got into a lot of trouble trying to cash those and almost got fined for having them in the first place.

Word of advice; If they send you any type of check or money order, destroy it immediatly. It's not even worth turning it in to the cops.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence.

Posted : 03/10/2006 4:35 am