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funds =(

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Posts: 217
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where in gods name do i get the money for the equipment i desperatly need!?

just wondering how you got your start
(we are 14)


"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-

"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-

Posted : 23/08/2007 12:01 am
Posts: 11
Active Member

Well I'm 13 so I haven't had any "start" moneywise, but what I'm doing now is just making movies until finally I get something good and maybe someone will pick up on it.

Posted : 23/08/2007 1:01 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

That is the question we all face, there is no easy answer. Beg for it, or work for it, or try to find someplace/someone that has equipment you can use.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 23/08/2007 1:47 am
Posts: 175
Estimable Member

I won a scholarship from a local fine arts club, I used high quality equipment, shooting a documentary at a local community college, and shooting a horror film with ?url?
I have entered into ?url?
and am currently producing two videos to enter into a myriad of other competitions. Check out ?url? as a great place to win cash. That's how I find funds. I recently made $300 videotaping a play. I set up a static shot, minimal editing, and sold the DVDs for $10 a pop with $3 on each DVD going to the non-profit that performed the event, and $2 hard costs, for $5 in profit, on each DVD. I also made a deal with the company, so now I am their official videographer for every show, and they mention me in the curtain speech, as well as acting for free in my films, in exchange for the money I gave them. Get out there and find something, even in a small town like mine, there's plenty!

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

"We all have the potential to be great. It is our inability to do so that makes us miserable." C.S.Lewis

Posted : 23/08/2007 11:32 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

Dont forget, you are young, the best thing to do is spend the next 5 years making films on next to nothing. No one needs money to make films, just use what you have got. Once you have made some damm good films for nothing, you will have A) more experience than most film school graduates and B) a lot more credibility for investors ect. People worry too much about gear and funding and whatever, just make films dammit.

Tim Ellis
Post Production Editor

Tim Ellis
Post Production Editor

Posted : 27/08/2007 12:36 am