I bought this dvcam to shoot a "trailer/video/short* of a great script I wrote it for my "beautiful, blonde, innocent..yet worldy teen, age about 15 " ..running time 3-4 minutes... standard vampire, blood, boobs,twist ending & keep em hungry.. Visual style=Rodriquez+Mental=Hitchcock and lots of heavy/metal/punk music. XXX comes to mind)& "Jeepers Creepers" is also a fav toss in the mix!
No actual vampire shots with crappy makeup... just the teasers...
I have perfect locations (private game preserve with rustic cabins in Ventura county, used frequently by film crews)....( I have room to throw blood on walls!! lots of it!) I have LOW/NO budget.. I have free actors. Total cast 3 (except for background/band/crowd) I have awsome black muscle/show car for road scenes... I have still film experience.. I need ..co-producer/cinematographer.( age does not matter at all! +or-) as long as you know a dvcam! to help me shoot the scenes...and possibly edit. full co-credits.
My main prob is I have 0 experiece cam wise- and we must shoot Day For Night- with no filters/ all lighting to be done in post. ( I am new to this, but I have a vision.. ..THE use of the camera will be available to you free, on an agreed upon basis locally(So CAL area)
to shoot your own thing...) no cost.... I just need some cam help...email me on my site. any help welcome. www.hipshooter.com..
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Posted : 22/06/2003 6:27 am