
Format to film HD d...
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Format to film HD documentary on

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I am filming a documentary on Scotland this week and I have a HDR-HC1 High Def video camera to film it on. Not ideal I know, but the best I could get. In any case, I want the documentary to be used in classrooms in the UK but I don't know what standard to film on 16:9 or 4:3. Is it best to capture this in 16:9 and then to change to 4:3 in post production. I don't know enough about the technology to make this call. Does the HD standard depend on it being in 16:9 format? I suspect not, but don't know for sure. Hope someone can help. I presume that I should film in HD even though it is not likely to be played in classroom in HD, I presume that this will just let me capture more data on the tape, and then burning it to a DVD will put it into standard format? Sorry for so many questions.

Posted : 14/08/2006 10:41 am
Posts: 1214
Noble Member

HD is always 16:9, and most documentaries are shot 16:9 these days (I think the BBC, for example, will no longer buy 4:3 documentaries in mose cases).

Posted : 14/08/2006 11:17 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

Hi Geiger,

While I don't have any expreience with that particular camera (I'm a Z1E user myself) I would suggest you shoot HD 16:9 (Mark is right - HD is 16:9 by default.)

If you have an HD post workflow great, if not downconvert and edit in SD (you'll always have your HD master though ?;)?)

Most schools now have widescreen TVs so there should be no need for a 4:3 version. In fact most things these days are shot 16:9 so go for it!

Oh and I'm based in Scotland, just noticed it may be a bit late but if you need any help let me know ?:)?

All the best,
Video dept.
XPotential Media

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

"Photography does not so much confirm our experience of the world as it actively constructs it." AS-G

Posted : 09/09/2006 1:45 pm