
Filmmaking, VFX cou...
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Filmmaking, VFX course during High School ?

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Hi. Suggestions, oppinions, advise very welcome :).

I'm in desperate finding a filmmaking or visual effects course/program during high school(I'm atm in 10th grade).

I just moved to Florida, Miami, about 2 months ago, from a small country in Northerneast part of Europe, called Estonia.

So I'm atm living in Miami Beach. They don't have much here for high school kids :(. The one high school, Arhitecture and Design Highschool did have some kind of film program but the auditions are over by now. And I havent really yet found any other programs/course, besides theres children museum offering aswell film program, but for middle school kids.

I think I know quite a bit about visual effects, I dont consider myself as a beginner, I know how the basics and bit more how to use 3d Studio Max and Adobe After Effects, I've used Premiere for editing aswell and photoshop for creating textures and maps for Max but not that much as the first two.
I know some very basics of filming, 180' camera angle rule, lighting but not as much as visual effects. I've used 8mm, and sony and canon optura 40 miniDV camcorders and done visual effects tests. Atm I'm getting Panasonic PV-GS 400. Also setting up green screen for future testings and projects.

I so would like to take a course of filmmaking and visual effects before college/university. Altough I could learn quite a bit at home, from books, video tutorials and internet aswell, which I have done past couple years, but still I think it wouldnt matter that much if I dont have somekind of certificate to proove all that. I know that some people create portfolios, I'm doing too, but I still should take some filmmaking and/or visual effects courses too to have better chances in future. I have really passion for filmmaking, like who doesn't here :).

If I would have to I might be able to move to some other state, not sure, depending on parents, my mother was up to going to CA because of better opportunities, my little sister doing little fashion model and acting. But i guess its everywhere same thing, auditions are over :(.
If anything then I just need to create good portfolio in 2 remaining years.

Any suggestions, advises what to do?

Lookfilms Ltd.

MSN: Look______?
AIM: ToMosEisly

Posted : 17/02/2006 9:07 pm
Posts: 107
Estimable Member

The first thing I would do is talk to my school counslers. They might be able to steer you in the direction of a community college that offers video classes to high school students. There is quite a bit available through your high school if you know where to look.

Quite a few TV stations give interships to high school students, once again you may be able to set this up through your high school. It may be difficult to get hired as a sophmore however, but there's no harm in trying.

If you care more about creating a portfolio and getting experience then about making money right now then call up some video companies (I guarentee there are some in your area) and offer to work for free.

There's oppertunites out there; you just need to be the person who works the hardest to get them. Good luck.

--QD Jones

--QD Jones

Posted : 19/02/2006 2:06 am