hiya all, am not sure how many of you can actually help me with this, but i am creating a short... which will be a computer generated animation.
I know that VHS has a screen resolution of 720x576... i am just wondering if DVD is/should be outputed at a higher resolution?
I'm not sure if this is right, but according to Pinnacle Studio 8 the standard for DVD compatibility is:
6000 Kb/sec
48khz sound?224 Kb/sec
Hope this helps
I have a program that converts to DVD format as well and it has the same settings... however i do know u can change the kbs to anything u want but by improving on the quality by upping the kbs, the more sapce is required and the bigger is the file.
Life is the art of making movies without editing
Life is the art of making movies without editing
Note that the DVD "resolution" is dependent on the TV format being used for viewing. 720x576 is for PAL TV systems, 720x480 is NTSC.
Benjamin Craig
Editor-in-Chief, filmmaking.net