Anyone do this all with a full time job?
Im trying to get a comedy group off the ground, aswell as do a fulltime job in electronics, at the minute i find myself learning website building, audio editing, image editing, video editing, production, uploading etc. I dont mind because the finished product is worth it (i hope), i was just wondering does anyone else do this with a fulltime job aswell?
BLUBERMAN Productions!
BLUBERMAN Productions!
I do filmmaking as a part time job. I wish I was younger and able to commit more time in exchange for starvation and such as a full time job plus part time job really drains the life, focus, and creativity out of you.
San Diego, CA
i share your pain completely. im 15 and i work part time at my local supermarket. i too, am a director for a comedy group, just starting to lift off. we just sold some shirts and i finished my first short film. i made a website not to long ago and i hope to study film in collage. yes, like you, i do it all 😕
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."
-(Own3d Studios)-
"They say a picture is worth a thousand words. But a film? Well, thats worth a thousand pictures."-(Own3d Studios)-