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didnt know where to put this

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hey guys i finished this film over the summer and was wondering if anyone could take a look at it.
Its about a hilly billy couple that get into domestic violence. No dialogue just the gorillaz music in teh background. 16mm black and white reversal for all the film junkies. check it out and tell me what you think


Once a Shotta always a shotta.
Movies are the motion of words.
Flying Buddha Productions, LLC.

Once a Shotta always a shotta.
Movies are the motion of words.
Flying Buddha Productions, LLC.

Posted : 30/11/2005 1:59 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

Nicely done. The guy has a smile during all the pain that I don't know if its accidental or sadistic but it seems to work. The overt the top violence is very Raimi-like. The effect of the hand with the cigarette is particularly nice, bobbing as if she's holding it.

There are only two things I think I'd change. (1) the burning house at the end. Perhaps its intentional that it looks like a toy house and I'm missing something but it does look like a toy house, particularly because of the flames. (2) The usage of the term Hillbilly doesn't really apply to these people. Yes they are white trash but they seem to have at least gotten out of the house to go to Medieval Tymes, have an ironing board, electricity and somewhat modern clothes which doesn't ring out as Hillbilly to me. Primarily though its the music that makes them feel more modern. Perhaps if you through dueling banjos over the soundtrack it wouldn't matter. Since this is not something actually mentioned in the movie its no big deal either way.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 30/11/2005 3:42 pm
Posts: 31
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thanks alot for the input.
this was done at NYFA at the six week program in disney world. the guy smiling was intentinal because its suppose to be like he enjoys the violence until it goes to far, hince the arm. We only had 2 days to shoot so we built the model during the day out of popcicle sticks. i didnt think it looked that bad for something we whiped up in a few hours. that was suppose to bring more comedy into the picture because most people bet grossed out by the violence.

hope you liked it

Once a Shotta always a shotta.
Movies are the motion of words.
Flying Buddha Productions, LLC.

Once a Shotta always a shotta.
Movies are the motion of words.
Flying Buddha Productions, LLC.

Posted : 30/11/2005 4:52 pm