
Deciding on which C...
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Deciding on which Camera to Get

5 Posts
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Posts: 11
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Hi I'm an inspired filmmaker like probably everyone else on this forum, but i'm interested in getting a camera sometime this month. I currently have around 1,400 dollars to spend. And i'm trying to decide on Sony VX1000, canon gl1, or should I really wait and save up for the Canon Gl2, or if there is any other cameras out there that are in my price range can you tell me? If not which one of those seems the best?

Posted : 10/03/2004 8:25 pm
Posts: 364
Honorable Member

If you're just startting out go with the Panasonic GS70. Otherwise I'd save for the GL2. It would prolly be smarter to get the GS70 considering the price and to save the excess money for editing software.

Posted : 10/03/2004 10:11 pm
Posts: 11
Eminent Member
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Well I have all the editing software that I need, I'm just looking for a decent camera for around 1,300, Does anyone have any links to sample footage shot on a panasonic PV-GS70? Thanks

Posted : 11/03/2004 6:50 pm
Posts: 364
Honorable Member

I'm lazy but go to i know its on that site.

Posted : 11/03/2004 9:35 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Hey wait a minute, what about getting a Panasonic DVX100? That's the prosumer camcorder that was used to shoot November, which won best cinematography at Sundance this year...

Filmmaker wannabe. But the dayjob's still too much fun.

Posted : 16/03/2004 10:44 pm