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Continue college or start tech. school?

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I am stuck in a hard situation. I have been going to St. Cloud State University for a semester now, I am very unhappy here. I want to be in film badely, but I want to make sure i can get in, am i in the right place? I feel i should start learning the trade rather then history or science. I have to decided if I should continue next semester at college, or go off to Hennepin Technical college. What would I gain from better? What are some of your thoughts on this? I need advice badely!

Posted : 10/11/2004 4:28 am
Posts: 24
Eminent Member

here is your advice as requested.

I did a year at University, doing film studies, which was all theory, history, etc.
I asked myself the same questions you did, and i really wasnt enjoying my film program, although university was fun.

So this year i went to film college. Its much much better. a great learning environment, lots of hands-on, and very rewarding. I'm now very motivated to make films, etc.

So I was happy with my decision, And I probably wont go back to university.

Take from my experience what you will.

Posted : 11/11/2004 1:07 am
Posts: 80
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You are thinking about entering a very difficult business at a time of great volativity and instability. Things in this business are changing rapidly, and that presents both opportunity and risk. As this business changes, the old ways of doing things are changing too. A lot of film schools just teach those old ways, so an education at one of those institutions will not be advantageous.

The film industry is very attractive, especially when you are in your 20's with unending energy and extreme focus. But one day you may decide to do something else. It's a grind, especially if you're successful, as I seem to be right now. You would be better served as a multi-dimensionally educated person to anticipate and take advantage of the changes that will occur in the next 40 years in this business if you stay at a university. What if you get out of film school and can't make a go of it in the film business? Then what? Learn on the job... it's more efficient and cheaper, and if you have a degree you'll bring something to the table that film school people don't.

"On a good gate, that's a wrap."

"On a good gate, that's a wrap."

Posted : 12/11/2004 8:53 pm
Posts: 1
New Member


I go to SCSU also, but I am a fifth year junior now...hah. I want to get into film also, but I really don't have any creative talent or anything. I am majoring in TV Production for now, and will hopefully use that as a stepping stone onto something else. I don't think its a bad idea to just stick it out there and get your degree, it will get you a lot farther than just going to film school, unless you get really really lucky. I've been facing the same dilemma's as you, thats what life's all about. Stay focused, you will get what you want.


Posted : 19/11/2004 3:30 am