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Conception brought to Fruition

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Posts: 18
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Sorry about the spelling on "fruition" if it's not correct. Anyways, I'm simply a high school student who is very interested in the whole aspect of filmmaking. I marvel over the entire process of scripting, to casting, to shooting, and so on. My question is that whenever I believe I've come up with a good idea for a script and try to flesh it out in my mind, I'm always left hanging with several dead spots in the plot line. When I try to workshop those spots into something of any substance it ends up being mediocre turning off my interest I previously had in the concept. How can I turn this roux of ideas into an interesting story?

"1st Post...YAY!"?:D?

Posted : 24/08/2006 4:03 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

This is the problem many writers face and there are no easy solutions. You might try outlining your story first before you spend a lot of time writing it, that way you can expend the energy on straightening out the bumps before you are spend from writing scene after scene after scene.

You might try adding a B storyline to further develop the plot and theme.

You might just have chosen a project that wasn't movie material. Perhaps something (characters, theme or plot) can be reworked with new eliments or brought over into a new project altogether. Sometimes mismatched elements make for high concept.

Many writers find it helpful to put the writing in a drawer for some time and work on another project. OFten when you do that problems seem to fade or other problems are obvious and you have a better ability to judge your work.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 24/08/2006 4:27 pm