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Ci:You become movie director by Directing a movie?

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let's not forget that he is 10. Throwing all of these huge numbers and terminology at him might intimidate him.

Basically, work on your story first, and then SHOOT IT. Don't think that you need to buy a 50 thousand dollar camera to make a successfull movie. There have been many films in the past that were made for very cheap, picked up at a festival, distributed in theaters and made a lot of money. But money SHOULDN'T be the reason for becoming a director.

Ask yourself what is more important, working on other people's material that doesn't really interest you but you do it because it pays the bills OR making the movie's that YOU want to make. Maybe you're just an artistic type of person that has some cool ideas and not really looking to make money off of them. I have many friends that are wonderfull artists that don't sell any of their work because money isn't the reason why they do it.

But you're on the right track already. At 10 years old and using the computer/internet to your advantage is very impressive! When I was 10 I was picking my nose! So just keep working on the material, keep learning about the technical stuff as you go along and don't stress about saving up for a 10, 20, 50 thousand dollar camera. You're young, who knows where your life will take you by the time you graduate high school.

Posted : 01/05/2010 2:13 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member


Originally posted by aburke09

But you're on the right track already. At 10 years old and using the computer/internet to your advantage is very impressive! When I was 10 I was picking my nose! So just keep working on the material, keep learning about the technical stuff as you go along and don't stress about saving up for a 10, 20, 50 thousand dollar camera. You're young, who knows where your life will take you by the time you graduate high school.

Agreed. Around your age Chrisieb (a year or two older) I got into films and I read and read, watched and watched, and went out and shot quite a few shorts. Then in highschool I met new people, got exposed to new things, and developed a passion for music. In fact, all of last year I was dedicated solely to music, practicing, performing, and writing. Last summer I was preparing myself to attend university for composition for the next year. But somewhere when school started I just... changed, and now I'm back to film. And it's pretty much all I'd want to do at the moment.

You can never know what will happen, is the point. But I'd agree in saying that you're off to a good start. 🙂

I personally would suggest you don't worry about theatrical distribution Chrisieb. At the very least not yet. Make and finish this film you want to do, and then, with the actual product to see, think about the theatrical merits of it. Just concentrate on making a good film, or the film you want to make.

And Chrisieb, maybe your bilingualism won't be strictly advantageous for a film career, but it will always be beneficial in other ways. I would imagine, however, that it could be advantageous to film, depending on where you want to work. I'm sure film productions in France are run in French, right? So it would be straightforward for you to work in that environment. But you'd also be able to work on a English speaking production, an advantage that perhaps many of your peers wouldn't have.


Posted : 02/05/2010 12:49 pm
Posts: 487
Reputable Member

This board has a problem displaying non-English characters with accents. If you just type them normally, they'll be removed. In order to show 'ç', you have to type ç . Same thing for others: é you type é and for 'à', you type à and so on. With that in mind, Corax, you may wish to revise your French segment and re-insert those 'ç's... (and by the way, that French segment sounds a little it like it was translated from English using some automated online translator...)

Posted : 03/05/2010 9:45 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member


Originally posted by Vasic

This board has a problem displaying non-English characters with accents. If you just type them normally, they'll be removed. In order to show '', you have to type . Same thing for others: you type and for '', you type and so on. With that in mind, Corax, you may wish to revise your French segment and re-insert those ''s... (and by the way, that French segment sounds a little it like it was translated from English using some automated online translator...)

Hmm, okay, I'll fix that. It's displaying... oh, it's not displaying the characters at all here. Woops!

And ah, well thanks Vasic, I'm even more embarrassed for my french now. 😉 I struggle with having true French syntax sometimes.

EDIT: Actually, it doesn't really work using the text code either. I could get it to display the characters independently, but it proved rather difficult for it to display them if the code was inside a word, and <>'s didn't work. I just took it out. Probably better for not embarrassing myself more, haha.


Posted : 03/05/2010 12:23 pm
Posts: 487
Reputable Member

On the subject of showing codes, if you go back and edit your text, it will mess it up again. The editor will pick it us as it is supposed to appear, not as you're supposed to type it. In other words, you type é, you submit it and it looks fine. You go to edit your post, that é has now become é in your editor. If you submit your changes, that é will disappear. So, when you edit your prior posts that contain diacritical characters, you have to carefully review and fix the diacriticals to include the escape character ('&'), plus the description ('ccedil', or'eacute', or 'agrave'), followed by the semi-colon (';').


As for syntax, I don't think anything was wrong with the syntax; it just sounded a bit clunky. Perhaps I'm mistaken... Now that it's gone, we won't get a chance to hear anyone truly francophone chime in (since I sure ain't...)

Posted : 03/05/2010 4:46 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member


Originally posted by Vasic

On the subject of showing codes, if you go back and edit your text, it will mess it up again. The editor will pick it us as it is supposed to appear, not as you're supposed to type it. In other words, you type é, you submit it and it looks fine. You go to edit your post, that é has now become in your editor. If you submit your changes, that will disappear. So, when you edit your prior posts that contain diacritical characters, you have to carefully review and fix the diacriticals to include the escape character ('&'), plus the description ('ccedil', or'eacute', or 'agrave'), followed by the semi-colon (';').


As for syntax, I don't think anything was wrong with the syntax; it just sounded a bit clunky. Perhaps I'm mistaken... Now that it's gone, we won't get a chance to hear anyone truly francophone chime in (since I sure ain't...)

Ah you use a semi-colon to close it, that would do it. Good to know.

I'm sure there will be another time to read my delightful French, haha. 😉


Posted : 03/05/2010 7:43 pm
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