What is the best way to shoot a chase/action sequence? Go handheld and follow the action or steady shots showing them as they go buy? Also can anyone think of some cool ways to do some action special effects(pretty cheap one)?
Well if the action shot you are going for is intense and action filled, I would go for hand-held shots compiled of some over the shoulder type behind the person running, some front shots of the two people running and maybe some moving wide shots...If you don't already, I would recommend a steady cam of some sort, there is a site for a $14 dollar steady cam that I use and it is very effective. Overall, for action scenes make it fun for the viewer, so don't litter it with static still shots, put in some variety and experiment a little too.
I have a pulley system in a tree that we are going to use for some stunts. Any ideas of how to shoot it without getting the big rope in the shot?
can you give me a link to the 14$ steadicam, if it really does work that sounds like a great deal
It takes some getting used to, but when you do get used to it, it really works great.