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Accident Scene

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Posts: 12
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So I need to show a person getting into a car accident and I have this idea and maybe you guys can read into it and pull out some things I didn't think of. Just let me know what you think of it so far.

The shot will be coming from the backseat and I want it to keep flickering from a black screen back to the shot from the backseat until the other car approaches and it cuts to black with the car crash sound. Then when the shot fades back in the guy will be laying on the dashboard with blood on and somehow I will make the windshield look kind of screwed up.

Posted : 18/01/2006 4:44 am
Posts: 1814
Noble Member

(1) Find a car in an auto junkyard of the same make and get permission to shoot inside and smash the window. A bit of fake-blood on the glass will also help hide that the final shot is not in the same location.

(2) Put something recognizable on the dash or hanging from the mirror like fuzzy dice or a hula girl. If that appears in both cars it will help sell the illusion that it is the same car.

Otherwise as long as the audio continues the shot should work nicely.

San Diego, CA


Posted : 18/01/2006 3:07 pm
Posts: 2
New Member

I made something like that for a final project in school. It's nothing fancy (in fact, my accident scene sucks..not the car itself, but what led to the acciddent), but I think I got a good crashed vehicle without touching the car. I used After Effects, and to tell you the truth it was very simple. It was my first time using that software.
If you want, I can send you my video and try to explain what I did with after effects.

Posted : 24/01/2006 3:28 pm
Posts: 107
Estimable Member

I think we'd all like to see it, do you have it uploaded onto a server?

--QD Jones

--QD Jones

Posted : 25/01/2006 12:34 am