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A short film

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I was working on a short fiLm. And I am shooting it with a sony handycam DCR-SX41. And I have a scene wherein I hav to shoot d main character chatting with his girlfriend n I hav to show wat exactly r they talking about.But when I take d cam towards d system. The image starts to stutter,jump or shake. So how can I avoid this n can shoot d scene without any movements r disturbances n make it look good. Wat kind of things should i follow to avoid it..


Posted : 02/09/2009 1:36 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Since I'm an old guy, I have no clue what you just asked....

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 02/09/2009 9:16 pm
Posts: 8
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Topic starter

Thank u very much 4 d reply
N sorry for the complicated sentences.
It was with the refresh rate of my CRT monitor that I was facing problem with. In simple sense..d monitor is switched on n if I take d camera closer to d monitor d image appearing in d camera starts to flicker. So I guess d problem was with d CRT monitors. I guess this flickering can be reduces to some extent if 1 uses a LCD screen display. So my problem is solved 4 d time being. But incase if I face further problem in my film making I will c to that I put my request across in a much better way.


Posted : 03/09/2009 4:01 am
Posts: 208
Estimable Member

vip: I beleive cetified investigator was refering to your use of internet "words" that aren't actually words and require a person to sound them out loud to understand what's being said. Basically...

Change all your "d's" to "the" and "n" to "and," etc. They make your post too hard to read, and you won't get many useful replies if people are turned off by your seemingly illegible "word" choice or simply can not understand your question.

Proper spelling can go a long way. 😉


Posted : 03/09/2009 2:22 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

Now I really feel old!

I'm reading this wondering what the hell is "D" camera
and "D" monitor. And what does "4D" have to do with

I'm just not hip to the lingo.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 03/09/2009 9:13 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

Ever read 1984? Newspeak? It's happening.

Posted : 04/09/2009 2:48 pm
Posts: 208
Estimable Member


Originally posted by certified instigator

Now I really feel old!

I'm reading this wondering what the hell is "D" camera
and "D" monitor. And what does "4D" have to do with

I'm just not hip to the lingo.

Nah I didn't understand at first either. 😉


Posted : 04/09/2009 6:40 pm
Posts: 481
Honorable Member

I'm also an old fogey, and old-fashioned at that. In fact, I'm old enough to remember a time when old people (like me now) were referred to as "squares" - that seems a bit blah now. So perhaps I'm a little off if I suggest a course in English writing - that is crucial especially in this internet age, when the keyboard is crucial.

Posted : 04/09/2009 11:49 pm
Posts: 13
Active Member

I don't see anything wrong with asking people to write the language properly. How can you expect to write a good film if you can't write the language.

I understand that many characters won't actually speak proper English. Most of them probably don't, actually. But I honestly believe that in order to write it improperly you have to be able to write it properly first. Of course, having an ear for dialogue is a great help, and if you do, that's great.

But even if you happen to have a great ear for dialogue it can only benefit you to learn to write properly. Understanding the rules also means understanding how to break them.

And hey, maybe you're a great writer, and you just like to type that way, who knows?

The point's still valid, though.


Posted : 07/09/2009 11:28 pm
Posts: 487
Reputable Member

Totally agree. There is simply no excuse for poor spelling; the effort it takes to write 'the' instead of 'd' is practically non-existent. The question is really, WHY would anyone not write correct language, if it doesn't take any additional effort?

Posted : 08/09/2009 12:25 pm
Posts: 2951
Famed Member

In defense of vip, I assume he is used to texting his friends like this. And I
get the impression that writing like this is thought of as quite "hip" and
"with it" (to use terms of my teen years).

The chances are, he didn't even think twice about writing this way. I
think this thread:
covers some of the issues vip is facing. After reading carefully - and
boy does it make me feel old to have to carefully read out loud his
entire post - I think he is having a similar issue: the flickering of
a monitor when shooting it with a video camera.

The aim of an argument or discussion should not be victory, but progress.
Joseph Joubert, essayist (1754-1824)

Posted : 08/09/2009 1:23 pm
Posts: 487
Reputable Member

My guess is if shooting at 24p and a long exposure (as long as camera allows), making the refresh rate a multiple of 24 (48Hz, 72Hz, 96Hz, 120Hz) will reduce (if not eliminate) flicker and scrolling bars.

Posted : 08/09/2009 4:10 pm
Posts: 9
Active Member

I'm (relatively) young and I still didn't understand him.

If it's a problem with the monitor, just buy a new one. If not, I wouldn't know what to do without seeing the camera.

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"Bullies aren't bulletproof"

Posted : 30/01/2010 10:59 pm