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the Sonnyboo Gazette

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The Sonnyboo Gazette

In the ceaseless effort to live by the motto "In order to be discovered, you have to be somewhere people can find you"... I present the latest update on the many happenings in the World of Sonnyboo.


starting on January 24th, 2005 - www.UNDERGRoUNDFILM.ORG is hosting an "All-Sonnyboo Week" where they will premiere 1 new Sonnyboo or Sonnyboo related short a day.

already added is the HORRORS OF WAR clip

available in QUICKTIME and looks great in the latest Sorensen Codec

make sure to check out - one of the first and certainly longest lasting Short Film sites on the web.

* this is the 2nd short film site this month to feature SONNYBOO, first was in the UK with "Sonnyboo Days" for 4 consecutive days, and they are planning additional SONNYBOO DAYS soon!


ALWAYS LATE and the HORRORS OF WAR scene are also online at another great short film site. ALWAYS LATE is still trucking along getting loads of hits and grows in popularity. Produced by Linda Byrket and shot by Bret Dahlgren - written by Chris Gavaler - ALWAYS LATE still gets the goods online.


Columbus Ohio filmmaker & good friend LINDA BYRKET got a front page mention on MICHAELMOORE.COM for her video of the Ohio Election day footage

Congrats on a local filmmaker getting soem serious notice on her film.

Go Linda Go!

see the video here:


Peter John Ross got interviewed in BUSINESS WEEK as an expert on short films and video on the Internet.
see it here:
or here:

CMH LIFESTYLES, a print magazine in Columbus featured PJR and the whole Look at my Shorts Film Festival in their magazine.
see it here:
or here:


Sonnyboo movies are set to play at the CENTRAL NEBRASKA FILM FESTIVAL on January 28th and 29th, 2005
also playing is the Derek's GRUDGE MATCH


Sonnyboo movies are also set to play at the CINEMA SLAM screenings in Ann Arbour Michigan February 8th, 2005
more info here at:


you can see HEATHCLIFF SEGAL'S short film SPEED DATING at

as well as the Peter John Ross produced, Jon Osbeck, written/directed/starring MANN IN DRIVING at


SONNYBOO on TV (again)
Pulp Diction & other Sonnyboo shorts make their way on to Rhode Island Channel 18, Cox Cable on the MIKE MESSIER SHOW

Jan 8th & 15th 2005


VTVIDEOS.COM adds sonnyboo article to their INDIE FILM TIPS pages.


as always check out the latest & more detailed info at
and even particpate with the other 180 members of the "Rockin' Rangers of the Sonnyboo Brigade!"

or take a peek at the Sonnyboo calendar at

- Peter John Ross
"The site where we can be silly & serious at the same time!"

Posted : 11/01/2005 11:15 pm