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A 90min documentary to be distributed worldwide about:

32 Independent Filmmakers following
32 Worldwide Fans supporting each of the 32 World Cup Teams,
But with any knockout competition- there can only be one Winner!

We are four filmmakers currently studying at the International Film School Wales, Newport who are making a feature length documentary about interesting football fans who follow the 2006 World Cup. The project is destined for festivals and the international film market.

We are looking for 32 talented independent filmmakers from around the world to get involved in what is possibly the biggest independent global collaborative film project about soccer fans ever.

The score is this: each of the 32 filmmakers or production teams need to follow one fan from one of the 32 qualifying nations for the duration their teams last in the world cup. Your fan character (possibly yourself) must be passionate about football and will follow the World Cup in an extraordinary and special way. As soon as the fan's team gets knocked out of the cup, he and the attached filmmaker drop out of this documentary. A final statement of the filmmaker and the fan can be recorded but the producers won?t accept any additional footage after the drop out. You send a copy of your tapes to the ?Our world is Round? production team as well as an edit log of preferred shots you want to see in the film.

You?ll be credited in the film and/or star as a fan in the film when:

-The fan character (or yourself) is filmed during the entire time his team lasts in the World Cup
-the footage produced is of valuable content and usable quality.
-You don?t film international football stars or any professional match footage! This film is purely about the fans and must focus on them!

4 Good reasons to get involved in this documentary:

1) Participating Filmmakers will have their own profile page on the Our World is Round website and their own section of the forum in which they can post updates as to their progress!

2) Media solicited contract that guarantees you a certain share of any takings and money made out of this film.

3) Media coverage about the project, International Film Festival distribution, prospectus worldwide cinema distribution.

4) Being part of a totally unique and special film event and adding it to your very own portfolio!

If you are interested this is what we need from you:

1. The name of the country you are from and a short profile about yourself (including photograph) with details of previous projects/portfolio etc.

2. Details of the exciting fan character you are proposing to follow, details of the team they support, and why you believe they are worthy of screen time in a feature documentary! We want larger than life, quirky, but more than anything ? interesting characters!

Please tell any independent filmmaker, producer or interesting football fan characters you know about this exciting project!
It would be great if you could introduce yourself on the message board on our website!

This is a serious project and we need serious commitment with a professional attitude. If you're interested, please get in touch: ourworldisround? or phone Nathan Mackintosh on: 0044/ (0)7737372159

Our Consultancy list includes:

Chris Morris ? Bafta Award Winning Director / Producer - BBC and Freelance
Peter Watkins Hughes - Freelance Producer - BBC and Independent Production Consultant - BAFTA Award Winner

Posted : 21/03/2006 12:34 pm